Thanks again for the great article! Many times when migrating between local and remote copies, my URLs would get messed up. Uncheck this unless you want to learn about cloud hosting through Bitnami. When Local came around I jumped and I have been very happy. If I were working on a Windows operating system, which I might do at some point, and probably even if I were starting from scratch today, Local would be the obvious choice. In his free time, he's probably working at a side project. A - Stands for Apache, which is the web server software that allows you to request and view a website's pages. Also, its completely free. I fired up Local By Flywheel and within an hour had a new site up and running on my Windows 10 laptop. My problem is finding a reliable and easy way to periodically clone our site and install it locally. Id love to see Pilothouse included in your next round of CLI-based local environments. I should mention I am on Windows 10, core i5, 12GB, 1T SATA. Migration should be part and parcel of any package, free or otherwise. Quick note: after an update left Valet+ unable to start, and then having to spend a few hours getting the far too many spinning wheels needed for it to somehow magically realign, Ive switched back to Mamp Pro, and for the last week or so have been quite happy using it. Nice to see mention of alternatives to Vagrant. If you've been scared off in the past by the lengthy process for installing XAMPP and WordPress locally, there's very good news. To you is odd to say Shamp, to me is odd to say zamp, because Shamp is the natural sound of XAmp in Portuguese. Because its built for WordPress development specifically, the DesktopServer app is primarily a wizard that lets you install new WordPress installs under their own domain names. (I use LocalWP.) Then theres the Bitnami Cloud Hosting advertisement which asks you if you want to learn more. 1-click backups. Our library provides trusted virtual machines for every major development stack and open source server application, ready to run in your infrastructure. Its unchecked, so leave it that way unless you want to be able to send email notifications from your blog once its up and going. Ive been a long time user of MAMP Pro, but have had issues using it on Windows and clashing with antivirus software, so have set up Xampp on our PCs. The installer ran fine but thats about all it did. I have recently installed the DS 3.9 Pro version and although I am happy with the interface and quick support with them, I am plagued by speed issues. Go to the folder where you install XAMPP and start looking til you find a folder that has a file called wp-config.php, or just search that file in your computer. 17 related questions found. jsphpajax I dont recall any problems setting up Local on Window. Ive tried Local by Flywheel on my Mac, but Migrate DB Pro constantly errors for me with Local by Flywheel, which caused me to reluctantly move back to Desktop Server. When it finished its thing, I had a new WordPress install at which isnt exactly what I wanted. WP is only what it is due to the open source and community. The latest version of MAMP Pro even comes with installers for various applications including WordPress. Thx. . Local by Flyweel is also a great tool. might give it a try. Nice review, but the only thing that sucks is: I cannot install local by flywheel on my laptop. Using the Bitnami Virtual Machine image requires hypervisor software such as VMware Player or VirtualBox . Didnt know about this, will probably try soon. I cant say enough nice things about Local. Just hopped onto the Bitnami community and found out how to create multiple sites. Then theres the Bitnami Cloud Hosting advertisement which asks you if you want to learn more. Ive also used Xampp, but Serverpress is supposed to do the requisite find/replace when cloning to a new server. Both are for Windows though. My Bitnami WordPress Stack Installation Tutorial. ; ; ; ; ; (1/5 semicolons) . No longer a sore point for them, and their customer support have proven to be more than competent, offering remote maintenance (by their engineers) of my local site when I had an issue. Login as root + the password that you set on wordpress installation. Theres a part of me that wants to be upset about the three site limit of the free version. I have to say LV is such a cool, free, simple, thin, yet powerful software (wraper). For a WordPress developer who doesnt want to fuss with too many settings, DesktopServer is a great option. Easy to set it up and you can develop just in a few minutes. Its really not a limit in that you can actually create as many sites as you want, but you ARE limited to the number of sites you can manage at one time. I should have done that initially, rather waste an entire Friday afternoon trying other alternatives. Its a great tool to keep your projects separate on different virtual machines, it handles dev/staging/production environments and after small configuration it is fully automatized. You have to know to choose Apache, phpmyadmin, mySQL etc, which means installation is no walk in the park. The issue Ive had with DesktopServer and Local are that they require admin rights to run and in a corporate environment where designers and developers dont usually have the permanent admin rights, this is a showstopper. An easy-to-use local testing server is one of the most important tools in a WordPress developers utility belt. Thats why the XAMPP tutorial is so darned long. Thanks for the rundown, Id gone from WAMP, to XAMPP, to MAMP, to VirtualBox, to Vagrant/VB, to Docker, and now Homebrew services (nginx, mariadb, php) on my mac has been pretty turnkey for getting all these things running. If you know of any advantages to installing a local version of WP via XAMPP over Bitnami, please chime in and straighten me out. It pains me to say it. it is easy to configure and use. WordPress is one of the world's most popular web publishing platforms for building blogs and websites. please do not use Local. I can launch a WP site on local in about 4mins. Its really the best of both worlds between something like DesktopServer or MAMP and the more advanced/developer-focused WordPress development environments. Installing XAMPP seems easy enough: just download the correct installer from their website and run it. XAMPP is an open source platform and supports all major operating systems including Windows, MacOS, Linux etc. I use it on Windows and Mac. The issues were gong after deleted Macport and reinstalled Homebrew. Sequel Pro for MySQL gui, and over the years Ive gotten used to editing nginx/apache server configs. (more errors of this kind) (( change owner of /usr/local/opt )) Error: Directory not empty /usr/local/opt/php70 composer global require weprovide/valet-plus dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/php Reason: image not found Abort trap: 6 at which point I gave up and started deleting all the Homebrew stuff, again. When ServerPress is asked when they intend to support modern PHP, they seem to skirt the issue and shut the conversation down, so it is clearly a bit of a sore point for them. Theres an option to uncheck phpMyAdmin if you dont want access to the database. Are there other GUI-based tools that you think I should have covered on this list? The software does everything for you. Heres a taste of how easy it was for me to install it on my laptop. The software is . I like to use Vagrant VVV. What if you want to local dev the same site on your desktop and laptop? For me DesktopServer 3.9.0 (Release Candidate with php 7.X : $74.96) + Duplicator Pro (79$) is the most efficient and affordable couple If you add codekit3 (34$) to the stack you can go further in theme development (and compile scss, mirror on ios etc) All other dev environment workflow are not "invalid" just more "expensive". One click gets you an interface where you can open the DB, open terminal, open the web root folder, open local hosts file (Windows), etc. Not really. Local also comes with WP-CLI installed by default, but you cant just open up your sites folder and start running WP-CLI commands. Finally choose Laravel Valet, only because I used Homebrew before. and many more. I also enjoy being able to switch PHP versions on the fly when necessary and not having to pay for MAMP PRO. Desktop Server is great too! For me, that's C://xampp. Do you want to configure email support? Meh. Sure git can sync /wp-content easily enough, but what about the db? Then it launches the stack and you get five options, the first of which will be the one you want. But with so many approaches, wouldnt be nice to give Docker a try? The changes werent showing up unless I cleared the cache. Moved from DesktopServer to Local by Flywheel to Valet+. The point to a localhost is to speed up development I thought. Interestingmany of you seem to recommend Laragon, I might give it a shot at some point. You can also easily switch between different versions of PHP, a number of PHP versions are included in the application but you can always download additional versions through their built-in installer. alternatives would update "hosts" if-and-only-if I (a) disabled firewall security and webroot and (b) made the changes in 5 minutes before these evil features re-enabled themselves. WordPress packaged by Bitnami is pre-configured and ready-to-use immediately on any of the platforms below. Ram is a PHP developer from India. Bitnami for XAMPP greatly simplifies the development of PHP applications on top of ApacheFriends XAMPP, by installing WordPress and many more open source applications on top of XAMPP. Thats why the XAMPP tutorial is so darned long. I run this script every hour with CRON to backup all of my MAMP DBs Makes it much easier to act a bit recklessly with my local environment. been hearing this for over a year Ive lost faith in the product, more importantly DS word. Flywheel was also recently acquired by WP Engine, so Local is now a WP Engine product. Hook that up with a blueprint, and it can install things even faster. It is just not finishing. Installing WordPress on XAMPP is an easy task with Bitnami. Bitnami vs WordPress | What are the differences? Sep 23, 2014 at 23:36. Please dont recommend WP tools that are not open source, when OS options exist. All the others listed are open source. Then select which folder you want to install it in, or leave it at the default (Programs). I paid for a DesktopServer Pro subscription in October 2015 when I thought 4.0 was right around the corner. It presents itself as a "small" app with a simple interface and system tray icon. The process isnt fun and its entirely possible to make mistakes. In case you were wondering, the stack consists of the following components: Now, if you werent using the Bitnami Stack, youd be installing each of those components separately. The experience around this could be better. First, make sure you dont already have XAMPP installed. You just launch the installer package and mash at the next button until you realize that you actually clicked a button that said finish. Any one else have the same issue with Flywheel? As the one of the principles of ServerPress, I wanted to just pop in and let you and your readers know that theres a bit more to the Premium membership beyond the 3 site limitation. Its available for both Windows as well as Mac. Couldnt quite believe how easy it was. WordPress packaged by Bitnami for Microsoft Azure. Blogs and articles and infographics, oh my! You cant use anything above PHP 8.0.0 (they have been promising an update for a long time), if on windows using Apache you must have it installed on drive C, and any sites you add must be on Drive C for it to work. One may work well with AWS plugins and services and the other just needs a searchable database. Both the Bitnami WordPress installer and XAMPP come bundled with these three software to make it easy to get a WordPress site running on your local computer. I was so happy with DesktopServer and got so disappointed when their promised new version just never released. Then select which folder you want to install it in, or leave it at the default (Programs). In the future we plan to support different WordPress installations. It was super easy, and worked. Cannot recommend it enough. complete article covering Laravel Valet, VVV ( Vagrant), Chassis, etc, add the certificate to your macOS keychain, more advanced/developer-focused WordPress development environments, the best setup for your local WordPress development environment,,,,,,,,,,,, "Local" by Flywheel, is a great alternative. I'd suggest you download and install xampp. Honestly, Im only withholding the last semicolon because I still have two more reviews to do and I dont want to have to refactor this highly intuitive rating system. In general, the DesktopServer UI is a bit weird as its essentially an infinitely looping wizard rather than a traditional app. Heres a taste of how easy it was for me to install it on my laptop. Youll need to install XAMPP-VM for Mac to be able to install XAMPP addons separately. I would have given it a perfect 5 if WP-CLI was somehow accessible directly. Longtime Laravel user and didnt know about that, thanks for sharing! cPanel, MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite, phpMyAdmin, Perl, Python etc. MAMP (which comes with no pronunciation guide and so Im assuming its pronounced potato) is the second most tenured local server that I know of. The plugin I made to the fish site works fine, I worked with mysql For $100, Updraft has a 5-year license of their "migration" module. Hi, thanks for this, have you experienced any issues with local and db migrate pro? No, thats not a trick question. ;;;; ; (4/5 semicolons) C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress. Bitnami Cloud Images extend stack appliances to run in a cloud computing environment. Its great for tinkerers as you can create little auto-installers and scripts and mess with a lot of the defaults and config files. Just a heads up DesktopServer has been discontinued, and Local has gone downhill fast, I have spent a few days trying to get it up and running. WordPress packaged by Bitnami provides a one-click install solution for WordPress. Ive checked the FollowSymLink in Apache section, but I still get a 403 forbidden error. While this is technically what any local development setup requires, most of the other options that were reviewing here do this for you pretty seamlessly. For example, with XAMP, you have to pick and choose which components you want to install, which means you have to know what they are. The process isnt fun and its entirely possible to make mistakes. After wasted several days of trying, found this review. I only use Windows at Home and use Mac at the Office. I chalked this up to the fact that I already had MAMP and Local installed on that machine and there was probably some conflict. Currently BitNami has other options like the full WordPress stack which will install as many WordPress as you want each one with its own Apache and MySQL server. Installed a fork of Valet (Valet Plus) on 10.13 last night. At minimum, look into Laravel Valet , Composer , and Bedrock . While it does give you a couple of options for server environments (you can use Apache or Nginx, as well as select between a couple PHP and MySQL versions), it doesnt let you run multiple types of environments at the same time or do any of the legwork of setting up new sites for you. Again with the acronyms here, MAMP stands for Mac Apache MySQL and PHP. The other tab is Server Events. Ive been using Local for the last year or so and been really happy with it, especially how it handles WP multisite/network using subdomains, something that is a lot more complicated to setup in typical LAMP/MAMP/XAMP setups, or with DesktopServer. You can browse Bitnami modules for XAMPP here . Speaking of deployment, the Premium Software has a built-in deployment functionality which makes it super easy to deploy to a live site. Im very happy with it and I think you should include it in your next review. However rotten communication and a whole lot of hollow promises forced me to find alternatives. After the harrowing install process, I dont have the will to boot up a Windows or Linux VM just to test this out. Laragon for me is the the best localhost webserver without any doubt (for windows). Bitnami - The App Store for Server Software. Its disrespectful to the OS movement and WP community, and detrimental to the long-term. Yup, following in the footsteps of other open source enthusiasts like Rasmus Lerdorf, Mark Suttleworth and Richard Stallman. I have used Xampp but find the method to add Virtual servers (more than one web site) "interesting" it sometimes works. 2- Then install It's simple. Bitnami provides a free all-in-one tool to install WordPress on top of XAMPP. Add your name, email and login info you want for the blog. Take a deep breath. Ive had fits trying to get Local installed on a Windows 10 machine. ; P - Stands for PHP, which is the stack's . You alsohave to name things like databases, and answer questions relating to those names. And by Kansas, we mean theMad Men Is it content, or is it marketing? You need to open the site shell in Local. This is very timely for me as Im finally upgrading from MacOS Yosemite (10.10) to Sierra (10.12). Right before I renewed in 2016 they told me via Twitter that PHP version switching was on the roadmap for 4.x. A couple of the releases had some problems, but most of the time I have been very happy with Local and will continue using it until something better comes along , Ive been using Mamp Pro for the last year. Sorted by: 3. Perhaps installing WP the long way, using XAMPP gives you features and control you dont have when you go the Bitnami Route, but I didnt discover what those might be in my research. Updates to all sites can be pushed at once, ensuring . Because everything runs in Docker containers, it leaves a very small footprint on your system. +1, Id be very interested to see this compared to the other VM options out there. You should then be able to visit that local wordpress files by typing http://localhost into your browser. If you know of any advantages to installing a local version of WP via XAMPP over Bitnami, please chime in and straighten me out. Ive been using MAMP Pro for a number of years and have found it to be reliable, adequately configurable, and a bit slower than Local.