Billable cost items appear in Approve and Post. Thanks for your feedback. , This field is editable for tickets whose ticket category is 'RMA.'. This entity represents ticket and article tags in Autotask. It allows you to configure tiered or volume pricing for the billing product. var uri = '' + document.location.href; This entity describes the pricing and costing tiers for a specific billing product on the Product table. According to their documentation it requires the URI and then the body contains the JSON formatted data: But this doesn't seem to work either and Datto are taking forever to respond to support tickets these days. The function of this entity is to describe the link between co-managed accounts and the resources with a co-managed security level who have access to them. This resource describes key business details for the Autotask Company 0, the Autotask user's company account. In Autotask, you can create ticket categories that are identified as API-Only. This entity contains the attachments for the TicketNotes entity. This entity describes an Autotask Contact. The Country entity is referenced by other entities and specifies the display name, address format, two-letter county code, and ISO standard name associated with the country. Most of the values were taken from an existing ticket. The ArticlePlainTextContent entity contains the plain text version of body content held by a Knowledgebase article. Contracts specify a billing arrangement with a Company. They can click New Ticket on the Autotask interface sub-navigation menu to open the New Ticket window. Thanks for your feedback. This entity enables you to decrease inventory counts associated with the InventoryProducts entity. If the API receives an invalid prefix, it will automatically generate one and assign it to the resource. Autotask users manage Asset notes on Assets. Invoices include Billing Items that have been approved and posted and are being billed to a customer or presented for information purposes only. It does not describe transactions where an Inventory Item is associated with a Company as an Asset. Verify you support email. This entity represents ticket tag groups in Autotask. Incidents on Change Request tickets will not be updated. The allowed actions are specific to the object. Open the Datto Help Center. It controls who can view the note. An error message indicates that Service Request tickets cannot be associated with a problem ticket. Read-Only:Read-Only fields cannot be changed by, Required: Required fields must be present when you attempt a. ConfigurationItemWebhookExcludedResources. Gettings 721 tickets based on a title filter: "Title eq hello!" Refer to The Rich Text editor to learn more. Billing milestones define tangible work or measured progress that must be completed before billing can take place. An opportunity is a forecasted piece of business; an identifiable prospect that needs a product or service and offers a potential sale, project, or contract. Entity details You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo () SOAP API call. It has code to get popular entities like accounts, tickets, contacts etc. If a value is not provided for ChangeApprovalType: For the ContactID field, Contact.AccountID must = Ticket.AccountID or the ParentAccountID of Ticket.AccountID. On the Note dialog box or page, this check box is missing and the attachment inherits the setting of the note. The function of this entity is to describe the Webhook error log where errors are kept by the application for 30 days. In Picklist, an inactive TicketCategory displays in italic text. Enable the Allow Ticket Creation Without Configuration Items option only if you do not track all monitored computers as Autotask Configuration Items. This entity's purpose is to describe a transaction where a specified quantity of one Inventory Item entity transfers from the items currently assigned Inventory location to another Inventory location. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? This entity describes an Attachment in Autotask. Autotask Resources are employees, contractors, or consultants with access to a company's Autotask system. To obtain complete field information specific to your Autotask implementation, use theGETAPIcalls described in the resource and child collection access URLs section of this document. This field is required unless the supplied ticket category or the user's default ticket category has both the Due Date and Due Time configured. This entity describes a transaction where a specified quantity of an InventoryProducts or an InventoryStockedItems entity is transferred from the items current InventoryLocation to a different InventoryLocation. Ticket.Source is not required; however, in the UI the Source field defaults to 'Other', so for tickets created through the UI, the value for Ticket.Source is never Null. Create Tickets in autotask using REST api in python Ask Question Asked 7 months ago Modified 7 months ago Viewed 145 times 0 I am new to autotask. } Tickets define service requests within the Autotask system. For information about dialog boxes and how they differ from browser pages, refer to Minimizing Dialog Boxes. For String datatypes, the number in parentheses ( ) indicates the maximum number of characters allowed. The client can access and act on the entity's field parameters: supplying, updating, or deleting the field data. } The Autotask REST API presents selected Autotask resources as programming objects that allow the client to perform actions on them. The properties represent data fields. You can make this a default setting. Additionally, only those statuses that are available to all selected tickets categories are available for selection. A table that lists all standard Autotask fields by Field Name and provides the following information for each field: Field Name, Data Type, Read-Only, Is Required, Reference Name (provided only if the field is a reference), Picklist, and Picklist Parent Column Name (only if the field is a picklist child). On entities like ticket, task, note, and to-do, the Description field is a core part of the data record. Refer to WebhookUdfFields (RESTAPI). If the ticket has at least one incomplete to-do, and the value in this field is changed to, Time entries only: If the status is changed to, If you have not changed the status, clicking this link will update the, If the note was created by a Client Portal user, only the value, If the note was created by a Taskfire user, only the value. When it is expanded on the New Note or New Time Entry form, the New Attachment dialog box will open automatically. If the time entry page is open for a long time, it is possible for the Status field to be changed by another user or a workflow rule. Available in the UI only when the installed module is enabled. update() is allowed on a Ticket with an inactive ContactID value if that value is not being changed, or if a new active value is assigned. This entity describes an Autotask Subscription. User-defined fields are custom fields that each Autotask customer can add to their Company, Contact, Opportunity, Sales Order, Projects, Products, Assets, Ticket, and Tasktables. Tickets and project tasks share the same list of statuses. Entity details You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo () SOAP API call. SubIssueType is associated with an Issue and the available SubIssueType picklist items are specific to the associated IssueType. This entity's purpose is to describe a template that defines the content and appearance of an Autotask Invoice. This entity describes an Autotask Ticket. Provide feedback for the Documentation team, To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. If a form template uses a value or provides content that is not allowed in a field by the category or the user's security settings, the field will not be updated. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. For example, although the client can create certain resources, not all resources accept a create call. Create a Ticket in Autotask using Powershell 27 Aug 2015. This entity describes an Autotask Resource. Visit the Ideas forum! When updating a field that has Rich Text, the APIwill return the text-only version of the field. A resource must have at least one role assignment. If you open this dialog box or page from the Edit Ticket page, this check box will not appear. The ticket category controls which fields appear here and in what order. This object describes Expense Reports created in Autotask; its purpose is for the submission of expense line items for approval and reimbursement. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. This entity contains the attachments for the ConfigurationItems entity. Saves and closes the note or time entry and opens the Forward/Modify Ticket(s) page. This entity describes an Autotask Product with an association to an Inventory location in the Autotask Inventory module. ProjectID must be associated with the same Account as the Ticket (Ticket.AccountID). Form template settings will override any previously populated field content, including notification settings, additional contacts, and secondary resources. A place where magic is studied and practiced? This is by far the best wrapper for the SOAP API. Thanks for your feedback. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Ticket.AccountID cannot be changed if the ticket has an associated and posted TimeEntry, TicketCost, or Expense. Head on over to our Community Forum! To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. Want to talk about it? Resolution: After playing with some items and looking through the module code and Postman, everything needs to be treated as a string: Thanks to u/nutter91 for the assistance with submitting a record ID of 0 for new records and reminding me to simplify things. IMPORTANT The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. You may also update UDFs for entity types that allow update and create. NAVIGATION Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? 2. This entity describes detailed information about on-hand. If the ticket category = 'RMA', and no value is supplied for the Contact field, it will be set to the contact of the supplied asset. Is there any way for you to see what the response from Autotask is? If QueueID does not meet the requirement specified by the associated ticket category's 'Queue is Required' setting, as listed below, an error will occur. IMPORTANT Although you can query all resources, some objects contain fields that you cannot query. When a ticket category is applied and it changes the value of ChangeApprovalType, the field will be updated even if the ticket type does not = ChangeApproval. Update Status on {#} incident(s) (tickets only). This entity contains the attachments for the CompanyNotes entity. Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? When you enable the Organizational Structure feature in Autotask, this object describes an organizational structure Line of Business. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. /*WebhookFields (REST API). This entity contains the attachments for the Resources entity. If the ticket has no associated posted items and Ticket.AccountID is changed, any associated (non-posted) Contract, TimeEntries, or TicketCosts are set to Null, along with any Service or ServiceBundle items associated with the TimeEntries or TicketCosts. For example, when updating an entity, you may not be able to update all fields within the entity. If no value is provided for Ticket.Source when a ticket is created via the API, the default Source value is returned on update.