If so, you can reach him/her directly via My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Elsevier; 2020. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Sometimes discoloration can persist. He has not injured it or had any falls and I have never noticed them before. So, maybe pay attention if your mattress or chairs are too firm? He/she can best help you. Could this bruise come from lack of nutrients? Did you specifically ask your primary care provider about the bruising? information submitted for this request. They are purple but more red. Im having the same type of problem with bruising. Hi, Pamela. Since that my brother had his wisdom teeth taken out, he has a night guard brace to stop him grinding his teeth in his sleep but his bruise is still on his cheek an it looks bigger. What is the point of this site if you obviously cant properly advise beyond go see your doctor? Hi, I have had 2 or 3 bruises on the inside if my arm for about a month. Is this something I should be concerned about? As a result, bleeding from damage to small blood vessels near the skin's surface might take longer than usual to stop. Have you been to see a doctor regarding yours? -Kirstie, 10 bruises on me and know for a fact i didnt hit anything. I am a 39yo female with Crohn's disease and bad urine since January when I also had bad liver count. You should contact a nurse line or the doctor who prescribed you antibiotics. Idk if the two or related some how but this bruise on my thigh wasn't there yesterday and this morning it's awful. I am having bruises in my thigh almost every day with a maximum of 3 each day for almost a week, today I do a Complete Blood Count. Hi, Emilee. He/she can best help you. I have same thing. Review/update the Bruises look like tiny dots. . You notice a lot more bruises than normal or bruises in unusual places. Antidepressants We appreciate you taking the time to reach out. I have literally no idea how they got there. I've noticed that I have these red spots on my arm and idk what theyre from and I also found a bruise on the back of my arm. Has anyone experienced this? I have unexplained bruises on my head and have been having them for years now. I have several small spots that look like bruises around my tailbone that have been there for several months now. Within hours, my doctor had me sent to the hospital for multiple testing and oncology/hematology. It started about size and shape of an sideways almond, and now about a small egg. Do I see my rheumatologist for this or my primary care dr? Do they just thin your blood? We recommend reaching out to your provider regarding your question. Your email address will not be published. I have noticed the dark spots on my arms and chest getting lighter just after a couple of weeks. Hi, Lorraine. I have not been physically abused, fallen, or have pain and itching on any of these sites. Hi! Hello, its been happening for as long as I can remember, sometimes in my sleep, unexplainable itching that wont go away and I cant stop scratching, only on my upper thighs and behind my knees. Thanks. A few years ago I noticed this happening more often. If so, could you please let me know if I should be concerned? What could be wrong? I have been told I have amazing patience, but I'm thinking you have me beat! Ive had no trauma to my abdomen whatsoever. I've been finding dark purple bruising on my arms , legs and yesterday found 3 purple bruises with spots on my breast. Hi Georgia We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Anyway, I get this too in my thighs and it feels just like you say. I noticed a bruise-ish brown spot in the bridge of my nose near the eyes. Hi, Laura. Hi! Now I have small purple red bruises on the front of my legs and forearms and been vomiting everything I eat and drink for three days now. I have never seen anyone with that amount of bruising. It would start with a red line rather my hand are arms then would eventually turn into a dark bruise. Steroids: Corticosteroids can cause the skin to become thinner, and as a result, blood vessels lie nearer to the surface. I have had 2 lumps that are darkly bruised n my groin area since lockdown so roughly 13 weeks still the same should I be concerned ???? One reason to see a doctor about bruising is when your bruises get larger with time. -Kirstie, I'm almost 60 and for the past few years I get be using for no reason on my thighs my arms and now on my hand so I had my blood checked said it was ok my white cell count was only a few numbers off other than that I'm ok normal weight, I have a scab I don't know what from if has grown in a couple of days the scab is hard to push down then has my regular skin coler then turns into a dark red turning as it goes down into purple then goes away the whole thing is about the length of my index fingure im 22 year old male, my scab is yellow am scared has been growing layer flaked am now unable to ride bycycle 33 yr old female. i got my first one when i was 14. see if it looks familiar and call the doctor to examine the area! We recommend reaching out directly to your provider about your bruising. If you have any concerns about the bruising that you are experiencing, we strongly recommend discussing them with your doctor. My daughter has the same issue around her knee we've had every blood test and scan under the sun done, and no answer. Both great ties have what looks like bruising under the inside portion of nail, I have what looked like pink patches on my upper leg above the knee that get bigger and turn to buries but haven't bled my self x. Some people especially women are more prone to bruising than others. Talk to your health care provider about your concerns. Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Thanks for reaching out. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue color. Unexplained bruising is common for a certain type of anemia, known as aplastic anemia. Some time back, while taking a simple walk, suddenly I had this horrid pain in my thigh. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. I was getting bad bruising on my legs when I was on a different BC pill i was never on. And there was no rough playing before we saw what happened. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor as soon as you can about the bruising that you are experiencing. Could that be the cause? A bruise, or contusion, is caused when blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin. Hi, DeAngela. They know your medical history and can best advise you. About A month and a half or two months ago I sprained my ankle really bad and the bruising is gone from it but my ankle is still swollen. Hi, Paulette. and this has been showing up when i wake up in the morning even from the night before for about 3 months now. The bruises are usually on my lower legs but I also get bigger bruises on my thighs. The bruise is still there and the lump, Hi, Raj. Have you found out anything? We recommend reaching out to your provider as soon as you can about your bruise. I have a large and small bruise appeared on my inner thigh do t how I got it I noticed it about 3 days ago and now a small One has appeared on my elbow But I havent knocked myself what could it be. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. In the meantime, web resources like WebMD might provide some guidance for you: https://symptoms.webmd.com/, I dont think thats stupid at all. The bruise started as 2 small ones and is now one about 5cm wide by about 2 cm high, should i see a doctor about it? I have purple stretch marks on my right leg near the knee area and there is no pain in it. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Should i be concerned? bruises on stomach ,abdomen under the breast in underarm from months ,which initially in purple then tends to black color n increasing ! I see that your comment is a while back, but if your bruise is still there that can be a sign of internal bleeding on the abdomenal area You should check a doctor immediately.. especially if it is for unknown cause. It extends downward through the inside of my leg & is much smaller & lighter in color on the inner side of my leg, about halfway to the knee. it makes sense that my muscles suck; i don't work out and the anemia doesn't help, but can anyone guess why i'm bruising on my arms (besides bed manners)? The condition seems to occur more often in middle-aged women than in any other age group. Accessed March 14, 2022. Recently i have had bad nose bleeds, but last week they finally stopped after having one, 3 or 4 times a day. Thanks. I have what looks like a bruise under my pubic hair with no pain, swelling or cause. Anti depressants are a cause of bruising, but thats an very unusual place. Have you showed your doctor? Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Have you determined the cause? In the meantime, what could these all be from? What is it? I only take a synthroid pill daily. As always, it is important to bring these concerns and questions to your doctor who is familiar with your medical history and current conditions. Same! I'm wondering if you ever found out the cause of why you are bruising like that. Hi, Michael. Bruises can mean a variety of things, or nothing at all. Hi, Elizabeth. Most bruises are harmless and go away without treatment. Seniors experience physical changes as they age. When certain Have you tried calling your doctor or a nurse's line and explaining exactly what it is you're experiencing? Whenever I reached in a drawer and grabbed something I'd lightly hit the top portions of my hands and arms and then all of a sudden, without feeling like anything hit me I'd notice a purple spot or bright red spot underneath my skin. In general and as mentioned in the story "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. I dont want my dr to think I'm crazy. I have noticed painful bruising under my eyes on my cheekbones for the past 2wks. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can privately message your provider and ask about your back bruising via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Find out what role aging plays and when to consult a health care provider. But i wonder where it came from. Have you shared this concern with your parents and doctor? We will have a link trade contract among us! I feel like it would get in people's way or look like I'm thinking "your chairs aren't good enough for me, hmph! If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, consider using My Marshfield Clinic to message your care team about your bruises: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. If you're a Marshfield Clinic patient, we welcome you to message your care team via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Confronting abusive injuries in dermatology: Ethical and legal considerations. I too have a sore head and bruising on my inner thigh for no reason. thank you for that and there was not alot of information for her to respond to. Hi today when the family were together for Thanksgiving, my 24 yr. daughter said she keeps getting unexplained bruising. She has no idea how they got there. WebBruises form when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. It's important you bring a list of all the medications you take. He/she can best help you. When should you worry about bruises? purple what dose it mean..? Good luck to u! This should be evaluated by someone who can visualize the marks. I hear cracks all the time and feel them in my back. I didn't do anything or bump into something but it hurts, it feels like you have a bruise on the eye when someone punched you. Sue I apologize; we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. I'm sorry to hear about your recurring bruise. and therefore can best answer her questions. None of the bruises hurt but i havent been feeling well lately, and i know i couldnt have hit the back of my knee like that. I have a 4 year old with 3 round bruises on his lower back, he says they don't hurt at all, I have touched them and he feels no pain. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer individualized medical advice on this platform. What's the point in having the blog if you aren't giving people individual advice? Fainting during urination (micturition syncope): What causes it? If you experience easy bruising when youre on methotrexate, you should call your doctor immediately. What could be the reason? A bruise often forms while the outer layer of skin is still intact and it changes the color of the visible layers of skin. privacy practices. We send best wishes to your grandson and hope his pediatrician can help provide answers. Drinking alcohol can make you more prone to easy bruising and bumping into things. Or any other potential causes? I got a big bruise on the top of my foot. Hello I have bruises all on my lower back and it hurts but I never hit it or did anything. a bruise is unexplained or in an unusual location There are rare medical conditions that can predispose children to severe bleeding or bruising. You can goggle the images and find information about it on at mayoclinic.org. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. Every time I check, they're there. My brother is 18 and he developed a bruise on his face (cheekbone). Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? What do i have and what should i do ? I experienced no pain with this. Its patchy and darker red like a normal bruise but it appeared randomly, has never hurt or itched, its not dry or bumpy, it has not changed in size or color and its been a few days. in my left leg i have a scratch and its red and I am a Type 1.5 diabetic (later onset, insulin dependent). Hi, Laurie. Thanks for reaching out Jake. Since they know your medical history, they can best advise you. Ive been seeing 5 different specialty doctors for the last 3 years and still no answers just more problems newer symptoms and more medications. They are the same ingredients. Unfortunately, we aren't able to provide medical advice on this platform. Thank you for reaching out, Cameron. I told her to get blood work done ASAP. Purpura isnt a medical So I had an arthroscopic surgery on my hip 9 months ago to fix a labral tear. Yet another tender bruise. I do have fair skin. Over time it grows and gets light in the middle with a darker circle around and a bit brown. But after blacking out 2 times and finding myself in an emergency room I quit for about a year and then switched to the large cans of beers. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. If we combine this information with your protected My thighs are covered in bruises. Unfortunately, we aren't able to provide medical advice on this platform. "This bruising should definitely be checked out soon, acute illnesses can trigger additional health problems. But I know for sure I didnt bump into anything with my collarbone. Have you contacted your doctor? One of the reasons noted in our article for seeing a doctor includes 'You notice a lot more bruises than normal.' Most commonly, easy or excessive bruising occurs because the skin and blood vessels are fragile. Blood vessels pop easily and hurt in my hands this happens off and on. At any time you're concerned about how you're feeling or symptoms you're experiencing, we encourage you to talk to your provider. I'll reach out to some of our providers and see if they have any thoughts. Theyre common on the neck and chest after prolonged straining from vomiting or childbirth. Hi, Sierra. My doctor said that it can be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. My son has the same thing but on his face & chest. Our comment policy goes into detail regarding the content we provide. 3. I had my legs crossed with on foot on the other for maybe five minutes. Hi.My name is Marie. Make Shine365 part of your daily routine. Again, non trauma related. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. I am not a medical professional in any way. Iv been experiencing red scratches (under the skin because skin is not broken) and strange THIN LONG bruses for the past year, most the time I wake up with them and their always in the same place, the upper thigh either behind or to the side, I would know whether I clunked my self as I have a very low pain threshold and simple knocks to the leg leaves me in agony and holding my self for quite a few minutes (probably a sign of Fybro) but its just so suspicious Iv even started a photo diary of them. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. My Dad has ring like bruises on his arms what are they? We cannot provide medical advice on this platform, but we suggest reaching out to your primary care provider. What can this be? Sometimes Ill wake up and notice these CRAZYYYYYY big bruises and Im aware its from scratching bc in some occasions you can see where my finger nails were steady digging in. These people want REAL answers, actual HELPFUL things. They happen when small blood vessels leak blood under your skins surface. Maybe I missed it but I didnt see a response to your post about your sons unexplained bruising. I keep getting a big bruise on my right side abdomen I noticed the first one after chemotherapy I received a neulasta shot its been over a year since I got that shot but I still keep getting these bruises. I do not have any other systems that would be described with it I do not take any medication. It is green and about 3/4 of an inch wide. I've been told i dont have leukemia. It's very important your coworker friend is truthful with her health care providers. Did you get any answers yet as to a cause? Unfortunately, we cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can ask your provider about your bruises through secure messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, What could it be if unexaplain bruising on feet with swelling and then the pain goes to the wrist. My girlfriend noticed a bruise the size of a fist on my abdomen. Any advice is greatly appreciated and needed. Bruises, also called contusions, occur when trauma damages or ruptures tiny blood vessels beneath the skin. Well, hope it helps maybe anyway or helps some others. I don't like to keep contacting the consultant or our GP, I feel we have a hotline to them already, any advice. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. Im concerned about the headaches Im having that are followed by bruises. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. What could it be. I ended up on this website because I woke up this morning with bruising on my abdomen. Weve updated the story to reflect this. It felt better once I got up, so I never thought of it causing harm. How do I get rid of it? Vitamin C or K deficiency, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease, or cancer can cause bruising. should i be concerned about the bleeding? He keeps massaging the area where the bruise is as it's hurting. Have you talked to your doctor? It never hurts to bring your concerns to your provider. They can help you understand next steps, as they'll be able to ask questions about your medications, medical history and current conditions. Please, in your opinion, answer my question! Hi, Destiny If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911. Accessed March 14, 2022. As always, we do suggest bringing these concerns to your provider during your next appointment. Reading all of these stories & comments, I've had very similar symptoms. My suggestion would be to call your primary care provider and address your questions with him or her. These occur because there is a rupture of the blood vessels after a crash of a certain intensity. Thank you. Thanks. Common sense, guys. To make it worse, blood vessels become fragile too. Muscle is still sore with bruise getting darker. (Also, I will not hold against u, anything u say). Hi These characteristically blue bruises appear for no known reason, such as trauma to the finger. They do not want to hear "see your doctor" as that is a given. Best wishes, Angela. Bruises are getting larger with time. Adam. You are correct, KC. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. The bruises aren't painful, but uncomfortable and itchy. I was just curious I have been getting these red hickey like bruises on my right breast. If you're worried, your parents can help you make an appointment with your doctor, or you can ask about the bruises at your next regular appointment. Hi i have been getting random spots on my body where I feel like its brusing up but when I look there I dont see an actual bruise I can only feel it, and it is all over my body. Just the fact that it has stayed in the same exact spot with exact parameters for such a stretch of time seems strange. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your provider directly through My Marshfield Clinic at the following link: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Also, they have been getting bigger and smaller overtime. https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/heart-care/pulmonary-embolism/, Or, you can try online tools like WebMD's symptom checker: https://symptoms.webmd.com/. Can you give me an answer to what is going on. There is, and never has been any pain. I know for a fact I wasn't bumped or injured in anyway. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. I was bitten by a dog on the upper calf 9 days ago. As mentioned in the story, it is not uncommon to see random bruising on the limbs. Most bruises tend to cause skin discoloration that changes over time. I've got exact same thing from skateboarding, ankle keeps growing, there's bruising but no pain, kinda worried it might be something serious, My left arm has been hurting on the under side and now for the 2nd time there is a bruise about 3 inches long and a lot of small bumps on scalp and it feels like my back is braking out , headache and stomach hurts. Candy, If you'd like to select one of our hematologist or rheumatologist providers, you can start your search here https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=Rheumatology, and here https://marshfieldclinic.org/doctors/search/?k=%22Pediatrics-Oncology/Hematology%22&ek=Pediatrics-Oncology/Hematology. The main symptom is spontaneous bruising on one or more of the fingers. -Kirstie, I was getting ready to put munchies pajamas on and looked down at my left thigh and see that I have 11 bruises and they are all over my thigh Im seriously scared never had anything like that in my life. My concern now is two-fold: #1: Is there a cause to be worried about a blood clot forming? Having atypical TN affecting my 2nd and 3rd branch, I'm used to feeling some pain under my right eye, but I've never had bilateral pain and I've NEVER had bruising. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruises you experience. My white blood cell count and mpv is high, as well as my lymphocytes the bones in my hands are hurting bad to where I had to purchase a brace and it hurts just to type.