Fellowship Exemplar Principal Fellowship Application Form: HEA Guidance on the UKPSF Areas of Activity, Higher Education Academy Fellowships. My role in this is to mainly organise and facilitate these sessions along with my colleagues, giving the floor to the academics, hopefully to inspire them. Use actual, real examples in your life. Sam attends and contributes to many conferences in the H.E sector and constantly reflects and considers how the knowledge gained on these continuing professional development activities can enhance her work. Start early. Key guides for effective teaching in higher education series. Moreover, even if students were not asking or answering questions, they could still benefit from listening to conversations about relevant issues they needed clarifying (K3, V1). Available at:https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/690. for this criterion in the other column (see a small snippet below of how I did If you have any outstanding queries not addressed by the documents, or the Frequently Asked Questions, please contact the Fellowship Team at fellowship@advance-he.ac.uk. I regularly attend conferences and webinars to do with educational technologies and I am often invited to present my knowledge on Mahara, Moodle and Social Media usage in education at both regional and national events. Available at:https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/703. Most HEA events, like workshops, seminars and reading groups, take place in the UK. Available at: https://infolit.org.uk/definitions-models/(Accessed: 2 October 20190. I was also able to gain an insight to new technologies and trends in education which I have shared with my fellow Learning Technologists at SSU and have come up with a series of One hour Wonders of educational technology for my colleagues to attend. If you're interested in this professional recognition programme, please visit their webpages and look through the Professional Standards Framework (PSF). Feedback like this is very helpful, and its encouraging to see that a high-profile academic is promoting us amongst their colleagues. View all posts by Craig Owen. Referencing, as both a skill and representative of a wider set of ethical information behaviours, is one of my primary areas of teaching and my approach has evolved significantly over the past 2 years to its current iteration. This list contains the 'stuff' that you will write about when you undertake the reflective narrative. I have also presented at the national Mahara UK Conference for the past four years, building up my reputation as someone to go to about using ePortfolios to support assessment and employability. This is an example of how Mahara can be used to build a portfolio of evidence. application. In 2011 I was invited to be a guest presenter and workshop facilitator for a JISC ePortfolio event held in London where I shared mine and my colleagues? For some time, I couldnt decide whether I liked the framework or found it too general in important (to me) areas. They are then invited to share their answers with those sat next to them, giving them the opportunity to fine-tune their responses with their neighbours feedback. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). experiences of testing and rolling out an institution-wide system. Overall, we were confident that you meet the benchmark standard for Descriptor 2 and wish you much success in your future teaching career. Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy Brown, N. and Leigh, J. Students were more actively engaged with these tools and ways of collaboratively learning as referencing became a co-construction of knowledge, and gave them practical examples of referencing which I found them referring back to in tutorials. A place where I can write and think about: queerness; mental health; libraries and being a library worker; education and pedagogy; learning anti-racism. With over a decade of HE teaching, including 6 years of programme leadership experience, I currently lecture on BA (Hons) Graphic Design for Digital Media at GCU. As a result of these conversations, I have begun drafting guidance for our team on what inclusive pedagogy in referencing classes could look like, so that this work impacts on students beyond just my areas of support [A4, K3]. We at SSU are deemed to be one of the front runners in the innovative uses of the myPortfolio software and are often asked to do virtual tours of our systems and help resources to other universities such as Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Bath and recently PACE University in New York using virtual classroom software. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is a national body that champions teaching quality and focusses on the contribution of teaching as part of the wider student learning experience. 119. I chose to also create bespoke videos specifically for this unit to ensure that the students will know exactly what to include in their myPortfolio page. (2019)Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. I am regularly asked to meet with peers, both virtually and in person, in order to try and work together to identify solutions to common problems and share experiences of success and lessons learned. HEA Fellowship is acknowledged in the Monash Education Performance Standards. From previous experience this exercise causes the energy in the room lift as the student discussions get louder and louder. Dean, C. J. When I was preparing to submit for Fellowship (FHEA), I struggled to find enough examples of written applications which werent from an academic lens, particularly in a librarian context where our relationship to certain aspects of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)such as assessmentis somewhat different. Criteria for Fellowship of the HEA | Centre for Higher Education If you're interested in this professional recognition programme, please visit their webpages and look through the Professional Standards Framework (PSF). UQ is supporting academic and professional staff and HDR students to apply for an HEA Fellowship through the HEA@UQ program. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. The organisation was formed in 2018 with the merger of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), the Leadership Foundation and the Equality Challenge Unit. This application was prepared over the course of 2019-2021. Focusing a Critical Lens on Universal Design for Learning,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. (1978)Mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. New York: Routledge. This application was prepared over the course of 2019-2021. specific categories. To my surprise, thinking about my teaching and other work in terms of HEA framework gave me an unexpected feeling of comfort. Change). I also hope that the number of last minute support requests from the students will be reduced as everything has been covered and demonstrated in the videos. assessors/trainers who talked us through HEA framework. Disabled students routinely experience difficulties with university structures, bureaucracy and systems which are not designed around them this includes pedagogy and support mechanisms (Blunkett, Mitchell and Norton, 2020) [V1, V2, V4]. Supporters must complete the proforma relevant to the category of Fellowship sought by the applicant. From my previous experience as a lecturer, I know that a successful session can be evidenced by whether or not learners can demonstrate that they have understood the subject matter or concept. The Fellowships of the Higher Education Academy are concerned with teaching and learning in higher education. (Accessed: 19 December 2019). Forsey, M., Low, M. and Glance, D. (2013) Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice of online pedagogy, Journal of Sociology, 49(4), pp. I decided to choose a MOOC with a subject close to what I do professionally and chose Foundations of Virtual Instruction offered by University California, Irvine via Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/course/virtualinstruction). HEA is a subsidiary of UK-based Advance HE. I also useSlideShareto publish my presentations, and to date have had over 10,000 hits on my PowerPoint slides. Going beyond simply stating ILOs, Biggs (2003) argues that teachers need to engage in constructive alignment, wherein the assessment tasks mirror the ILOs, and the teaching methods reflect and engage with the activities required in the ILOs (K2). Principal Fellowship Booklet - The University of Manchester Some people break their HEA applications into specific points while others tell their story. Chandos information professional series. All participants were handed a worksheet to fill out and keep in case they wanted to revisit what was covered. This way I know Im giving the best advice as I can and are therefore able to understand how my learners may feel when faced with a new piece of technology or teaching method. Sessions that I often deliver include Turnitin, myCourse and myPortfolio. Other aspects of the academic role such as research, involvement in academic societies, administrations etc., may be relevant to the Fellowship application, but only in as much as they relate to learning and teaching in higher education. Ensure that you clearly articulate your participation in, and learning from, CPD activities especially as evidence of strategic effectiveness From looking at the bookings I could see that we were to expect 50 participants ranging from administrators to lecturers, HR managers to support service staff. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. PDF Senior Fellowship - s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com Not only do I act as an extra pair of eyes highlighting areas that could appear to be confusing for students, I can also suggest new ways in which technology could be introduced to enhance the process and outcomes. In my teaching sessions I explicitly state the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs), that is, what students should be able to do by the end of the session (K2). As a new Senior HEA Fellow, I thought Id share my personal experience of navigating HEA application and my thoughts on the process while they are fresh in my mind. To date over 75,000 individuals have become Fellows of the HEA. MSc Information and Library Studies, Robert Gordon University, 2019. From doing this course I was able to experience what it was like being one of thousands of students on a MOOC, see how the course was designed and delivered, and update my knowledge on Virtual instruction. A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study, Intended Learning Outcomes and Constructive Alignment. When I first heard about HEA fellowships, I assumed that, if successful, Id be upskilled by HEA (workshops, mentoring, a structured program of some sort, maybe even a grant ). What is HEA Fellowship? UVU is the first American institution to be accredited by the HEA to offer fellowship recognition to faculty, administrators, and staff supporting learning. Armed with evidence of personal success, I went about pulling my experiences and findings into a workshop that could be delivered to students and staff at all levels. View all posts by ThomasPeachLib, Your email address will not be published. Your explanation of planning, creation of learning environments for learning and delivery of sessions all aligned nicely with your philosophical position. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. I have researched and presented on copyright education (Peach, 2018) and, most recently, conducted postgraduate research into art pedagogy and its implications for librarians information literacy pedagogy (Peach, 2019) [A5]. The research reported here was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), EPSRC-LWEC Challenge Fellowship EP/N02950X/1. Ill admit my motivation was somewhat dodgy to start with. The collaborative reference lists produced as a result of the problem-based learning in Case Study 1 also provided a great opportunity to explore ways to get the students to peer-review and assess the list against the criteria set out in the referencing guidance used [A3, K2]. Senior Fellow HEA 2014 (case studies) These documents form my application for a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. PDF FHEA Practice Examples Comments - SHU Blogs Douglas, P. and Santinele Martino, A. Sam has been working with us since 2008 firstly as an e-Learning Support Officer before becoming a Learning Technologist. Since September 2020, I have been a copy editor for the Journal of Information Literacy, a leading international, peer-reviewed open access journal for the theory and practice of information literacy. My HEA Fellowship Portfolio by Sam Taylor Details For info. The latter has featured as part of wider doctoral research into information literacy at York St John University (Dean, 2019) [A5] which has resituated my own understandings of my teaching as part of the wider teaching community, helping me to navigate how to talk about information literacy with academics in more nuanced ways [V3]. doi: 10.1177/1440783313504059. I will also continue to nurture my Personal Learning Network as I have found this to be key to my professional success. Those making a claim for Senior Fellowship should pay particular attention to descriptor statement 3.7. From experience, I knew that the face-to-face induction part was fairly useless as most students wouldnt open myPortfolio again until I saw them during the clinic session, meaning I would have to go over the whole induction process again. Once I finished my draft, I sent it for internal review. For Associate Fellow, please write two 500 word case studies, For Fellow, please write four 500 word case studies For Senior Fellow, please write two 2000 word case studies. As this was developed over this term, I am now in a position to more clearly articulate and explore teaching options with academic staff I work with, as well as provide examples of how these sessions function based on the 32 times I have now taught variations on this workshop (conversations which have started to happen more clearly). I am responsible for writing and building the myPortfolio Guide in myCourse (http://mycourse.solent.ac.uk/myportfolio). Published On: 04/02/2022 Higher Education Academy Fellowship Application - Academia.edu Nothing brings him more sense of fulfillment than writing fellowship docs in orthopedics. Writing a Good Application for HEA Associate Fellowship - YouTube The Doctoral Academy (formerly University Graduate College) presents some top tips on Writing a Good Application for HEA. I had read many news articles on these MOOCs but felt that in order to really understand the hype I had to have a go and complete one of these courses. With students walking, talking and mingling, a dynamic environment emerged where students combined cognitive activity with physical movement and interaction. I often get email requests from lecturers asking me to "come and teach their students Mahara", without knowing what exactly the lecturers want their students to do with it. University teaching in focus: a learning-centred approach. Preparing your HEA application - Phil Race When students looked to me for guidance, I continued to promote active learning by asking the question back to the group or asking students to recall previous classroom activities and remember what they had learned from them (K1, K2). I developed an option bank over the course of term one in 2019 by investigating different ways of teaching, consolidated into the main methods I designed, so I had choice. Sam has an excellent approach to her work and is professional in all aspects and is very well respected by her colleagues. The main difference between Associate Fellowship and Fellowship is the need to engage with all five areas of activities, as well as all six areas of core knowledge and all four professional values. If you get lucky and have Tony as the author of your text, no trouble will threaten your success! Use Concrete Examples in Diversity Statements. Quite often a lecturer will arrange to come and see me with their draft assessment brief looking for advice on how to make it more engaging. A Theoretical and Hands-on Introduction to Foucauldian DiscourseAnalysis. Participants in this pathway will be provided with a mentor who is an accredited HEA Fellow who will support the development of their application. It would be nice to showcase some of the teaching sessions and key ideas within them to help new or novice lecturers build interactivity and inclusivity into their sessions. Around the room I set up seven stations. Examples of staff who may wish to apply Types of activity & evidence for Fellowship Category . https://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/lgbt/2019/10/11/diversity-in-information-resources-working-towards-inclusion-2/, The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy: Academic Librarians Involvement in Critical Library Instruction, http://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/16616, Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice of online pedagogy, Multimodal pedagogy in TESOL teacher education: Students perspectives, Toward Inclusive Education? Available at:https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/689. I often attend and get invited to present at Solent events, delivering sessions such as the "Digital Researcher?, "Rethinking Pedagogy with New Technologies" and "Why Social Media Matters". (Accessed: 3 October 2019]. Price, M. (2012)Assessment literacy: the foundation for improving student learning. University teaching in focus: a learning-centred approach. Focusing a Critical Lens on Universal Design for Learning, https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/690, Arriving At Thriving: Learning from disabled students to ensure access for all | Policy Connect, https://www.policyconnect.org.uk/research/arriving-thriving-learning-disabled-students-ensure-access-all(Accessed, Self-Advocacy as Precariousness in University Education, https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/703, Connor, D. J. In one-to-one tutorial settings, I aim to approach my teaching and support around the students own personal epistemology (Billett, 2009) as evolving out of constructivism again being shaped through its relationship with information literacy (Swanson, 2006) V1, V3]. 4274. I like presenting at conferences too; any opportunity to get out there and show them what Solent are up to and how creative our lecturers and students are. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship The University of Sunderland is accredited by the Higher Education Academy to award Fellowship aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF). This activity more accurately reflects the natural way in which they will need to approach referencing in future a process of decision making using the information to hand as well as your past experiences and knowledge [K2, K3, V1]. Having previously taught in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education, as well as community theatre education and private music tuition, I have now been teaching in Higher Education at York St John since 2017. In order to make it clear to the students how the numerous ILOs from different lectures aligned with the assessment task (an exam), I created a revision guide and facilitated an interactive revision seminar (evidence 1) (K2, K4). The primary reason for my application for Associate Fellowship over Fellowship was the experience requirement, as I don't have the equivalent of three years of full time teaching. Tewell, E. (2018) The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy: Academic Librarians Involvement in Critical Library Instruction,College & Research Libraries[Post-print], 79 (1). As with the first, I had a great opportunity to experience life as a student taking a MOOC (both good and bad) and felt that I was now ready to start disseminating my new knowledge of MOOCs with my colleagues. After all here it was, in black and white the agreed and sealed by lots of Higher Ed experts list of what Im supposed to be competent in, which, for a perfectionist like me, is most helpful. (2019) Disability, the Silent D in Diversity,Library Trends, 67(3), pp. Elmborg, J. MMus Music, The University of Huddersfield, 2015. Available at:http://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/16616. PDF The Account of Professional Practice Senior Fellow Applicant I have created many online tutorials and guides to advise staff and students on using technology to support teaching and/or learning. Essentially, its mission is to improve learning outcomes by raising the quality and status of teaching in higher education. Orthopedics. the HEA code Teche post. This was always delivered as a group learning activity to support the social construction of knowledge, particularly for 1st year students still forming cohort bonds [K2, K3, V1]. 2.VI Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of ActivityAccept, 2.V Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practiceAccept, 2.VI Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning assessment, scholarship and, as appropriate, related academic or professional practicesAccept, Test To some technology is seen as a necessary evil and I can hopefully help them to see the benefits rather than the inconvenience. Robert Gordon University. I teach across all programmes in an area best summarised as information literacy most recently updated to be defined as The ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. I centre my pedagogy around a basis in constuctivism, particularly social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978), with a humanist lens. It focuses on a journey of personal growth since the time of my original Fellowship and demonstrates a sustained impact on learners and learning through: Undertaking a wider range of roles and responsibilities in a informed and reflective manner; Undertaking activities relating specifically to range of pathways in higher education - This idea of connected experiences and journeys in knowledge creation/discovery as part of information work is also part of my philosophy to move away from traditional forms of library instruction in one-shot paradigms, to the scaffolded building of knowledges. Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) : Staff Learners are then shown examples of answers to help them get an idea of what language to use and what to write. In 2010 I was inspired by a presentation by Sheffield Hallams Educational DeveloperSue Beckinghamat the Future of Technology in Education conference held at Senate House, University of London. reflectively, I shared some writing tips in this Cracking For example, a category of how students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s) still seems a bit broad to me, but. It took longer than I anticipated and came back with comments like reference HEA criteria more consistently in your application, which were easy to address. Supporting Statements for your HEA Fellowship application In the case studies that followed the contextual statement, it was made clear how you engage in all of the areas of activity. Robert Gordon University. University of Sheffield. As mentioned at the start of this application, I have undertaken a PGCert in Teaching Post Compulsory Education and Training where I was able to hone my skills as a teacher and understand the importance of mentoring and support students and their needs, classroom management and professional practices (lesson plans, schemes of work, resources and assessment). As a comparison I did two more MOOCs, one from the same university on Emerging trends and technology in Education, and another from a different platform (Open2Study) from the Curtin University in Australia called Introduction to Astronomy. Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy is an indicator of professional and PFHEA (Principal Fellow of the Higher Education for example, within work-based. Writing a Fellowship Proposal | Fellowships and Funding - Yale University Requirements for Fellowship Level What does your application need to demonstrate? The second is critical information literacy (Elmborg, 2006; Tewell, 2015; Tewell, 2018) which itself is drawn heavily from critical pedagogy and the writings of Freire (1985) to theorise the discernment and interrogation of power structures in information and its use [A5, K3, V1, V2, V3]. Through my online networks I am able to keep up with my peers and stay up-to-date with the latest news and issues to do with my role, however sometimes its great to have more in depth conversations where detailed experiences can be shared. This does not, however, change the fact of referencing styles as exclusionary and these access methods are not full disability justice (Kumbier, A. and Starkey, 2016) [V4]. This is an example of how Mahara can be used to build a portfolio of evidence. These statements are posted with the permission of the former (anonymous) AIIS fellows who wrote them. The pedagogical rationale underpinning this activity is that the students were able to engage in active learning through the means of collaborative peer dialogue, wherein each station provided the scaffolding for students existing knowledge and understanding to be activated and reviewed (Robb, 2013) (K2, K3, V3). For instance, if screen-readers do not read out punctuation, then it is failing its core purpose [A4, K2, K4]. 414440. 471485. I am aware of the importance of accessibility and inclusivity and therefore try to make sure my support is available to as many people in as many ways as possible. As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. (eds) Leadership and Diversity in Psychology: Moving beyond the limits. As with the last 2 cohorts, I will be supporting the submission and marking process to ensure that it adheres to SSUs assessment regulations, and that all students can receive their grades and feedback, including their completed rubric to show a breakdown of their marks. 2-3 months later I got an email confirming my fellowship. Rather than conduct a more formal assessment, I devised a self-assessment which asked the students to rate themselves on a knowledge-confidence spectrum at the start of the class and then again at the end. My approach to teaching and training is based on the Active Learning Theory, one which I am very familiar with from mybackground as a dancer and dance teacher/choreographer. ____________________________________________________________. I have also completed MBA degree. Some people break their HEA applications into specific points while others tell Oxford, ASKe: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development. HEA Associate . Wisker, G. ed. As time went on, I noticed something interesting. The HEA offers four grades of fellowship . Required fields are marked *. Part of this was initially submitted through portfolio for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2020, and then was expanded for written application for Fellowship, and assessed in mid-2021. A sample from Olga's HEA Fellowship application The next step was to decide on the overall style of my application. It is a vital component of my role to always consider the pedagogy or process first, rather than try to build learning activities in order to use a specific technology. Hsin, W.-J. You should use this section to describe how through your career you have developed your teaching practice and in the case of Senior Fellowship, influenced others practice. Since gaining fellowship, I have shared my portfolio with a number of colleagues, currently writing their fellowship applications, to offer an example of what topics can be considered, how pedagogical literature can be woven into personal reflection, and how the application can be structured.
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