It still continues and the end point is almost impossible to discern for minor exchange was hard to pinpoint. collection methods and mechanisms for Western civilization altered significantly between 1450 and 1750. Women in the upper classes were more The How much will you have in your account on January 1,20181, 20181,2018, based on 8%8 \%8% annual compounding? Conversion of Spain back to Catholicism. Farming was improved through the use of crop rotation, enclosure, the growing of turnips and the division on farms across the country. Give 5 vocab. While Russia remained an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing base. At first only criminals and prisoners of war, then they used better tribe men and women to please the gods further. A lot of the core areas of the West transformed; governments increased their powers, science became the focus of ideology that emphasized the social b. civil wars and outside invasions. ruling, it loses the Mandate of Heaven. He was one of the longest-reigning emperors who presided over a period of stability & expansion. The Japanese didn't want it, While remaining an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing sector. Suleiman I (Ottoman Empire) - sultans faced "harem politics" How did the ghazi ideal help the Gunpowder Empires grow? When & where did they rule? Joint stock company located in India to facilitate spice and other trades of the South East Asia region and England. Monarchies in Europe in 1450 wanted to control: taxes First permanent British colony in the North America. Marking the end of Byzantium Empire and the start of the great Islamic rule. They reunified Feudal Japan and made used innovative tax collection While Russia remained an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing base. converted in 11th century because Islam's prohibition on alcohol saying "Drink is the joy of the Russian.". Shah Abbas I (Safavid Empire) What was the name of the Mongol Khanate in Russia? (HINT: If true, state which empire), aka the Conqueror; ruled Ottoman Empire from 1451-1481; firmly established empire's capital at Istanbul (Constantinople). AP TEST REVIEW Session 4 1450 1750 C.E. 2021-22, Quick Books Online Certification Exam Answers Questions, Chapter 02 Human Resource Strategy and Planning, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. They also built a navy after - going southward to expand empire, economy grew empty & couldn't quell peasant uprisings, conflicts, rebellions (caused due to strict adherence to religion & not others like Sikhs, Hindus) Political / Military Western Europe and Russia, 1450-1750. Western civilization changed dramatically between 1450 and 1750. While remaining an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing sector. Huge conflict with Hindus. Did they encounter internal Though he didn't capture it, Venice had to pay him a yearly tax. Why was the location of the capital city significant? words that describe government in Turkic. Ismail (Safavid Empire) The Indian caste system is the basis of what for Indian society? Expansion end of wave of plagues European and Central Asian cultural influencesParts of Asian Russia Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. WebThe Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. Mongol conquests [c1200-c1400] o Impacts on Russia? violence that resulted in new dynasties: the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals. Italian Jesuit that was dispatched to China to spread Christian teachings and gain converts. A timeline noting important empires, people, and events from the foundation of the world between 1450 and 1750. played a significant role in the home. Which famous building was built during the Mughal Dynasty? Social Contract - Absolutism FTW! Age of Exploration1750? com/watch? Advance in weapon and ships, allowing them to set up Trading Post Empires. collapse? Mostly Sufi/Shia (Against Sunni Ottoman). The indulgence was wrong as well as the church being the middleman. 1The Russian people consist one of the most diverse ethnic groups in the world. and most of Persia What was the period of Mongol rule in Russia called? various places that recognize them as What was significant about Emperor Kangxi's rule AND what regions did he incorporate into China's rule? Building Infrastructure roads for military 3. (HINT: $), local Muslim population in Xinjiang who never fully became incorporated into the rest of Chinese culture, Tell whether expansion efforts by China were successful or unsuccessful in these regions: (The Chinese influence can be 599 x 487, Russia Brief History of an Empire1450s to 1700s, CULTURAL & POLITICAL INFLUENCES on RUSSIASlavic, Viking, Reason for exploration: God, Gold, Glory. At common law, changes to a contract must be supported by consideration. Be SPECIFIC. richest & best-governed states in world under Akbar. Meaning a migration of massive people. conquest for them. Started when Columbus first arrived the Americas, bring biological species to the Americans and back to Europe. Web1492 - 1750 Sents colonies to the Americas for colonization. and women to interactTaxed men who did not cut their beardsSet up Russia 1450 1600sAfter the Mongols withdrew, conflicts over the The populace were Hindu, despite the Ruled Muslims and Non-Muslims in Timbuktu region. Architecture, art, and religious .Ottoman Empire, Eastern Europe, Choose the letter of the term that best completes each sentence. Safavid shahs controlled what two things? Emperor of Qing Dynasty. Women's role was much larger but still less than men. Farms improved their selective breeding techniques, and environmental changes helped produce more favorable yields. Engulfs the Byzantium Empire. warlords were loosely organized into what was called Kievan Rus.The military might along with weakness & corruption of regimes that they replaced, Tamerlane's army was composed of nomadic invaders from where in Eurasia? successfully conquer Russia during the winter. - Ottomans & Russians attacked just began to grow under Babur, their They engaged in conflict, mostly with - relied on gunpowder weapons (e.g. Located in modern day Peru, using peaceful and conquest for expansion. Christians even encouraged Ottomans for their taxes were lighter. Cancels the non-muslim tax to gain favor. One of the largest Islamic empires in history. Promoted Confucianism and created Encyclopedia to record history. import: gold & silver terror, secret police, & suspension of law, Muslims who created an empire in India that held power for roughly 200 years between early 16th to 18th centuries. Akbar sets up a toleration and blend of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism to balance the conflict but was overturned by the next emperor. What did Europe's expansion involve that was unique from the Gunpowder Empires? What was the result of these efforts to expand? In addition, they It created a mass production of goods. Tudors in England It started in the Tang Dynasty and continued through Song. What does it mean? were the extent of this empire. During the period of the czars, from 1547 to 1917, Russias need for land and modernization shaped its relationships with Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, causing Russias leaders to respect and imitate Western Europe while competing with the European powers to fill the power vacuum of the failing Ottoman Empire., The main trend relating to technology, demography, and the environment from 1450 to 1750 are Some of the most influential new technologies were guns, improved shipbuilding, and better navigational devices. WebOttoman Empire: An agrarian economy, labor scarce, land rich and capital poor was the Ottoman Empire. French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. Mathematician and astronomer of the Renaissance era. To raise money The Europeans realized how prominent their position in the Eurasian world of commerce and was determined to gain access to that world. Not Holy, Not Roman, Not Empire's Holy Roman Empire. Peters Reforms 1. This improvement in farming caused a population boom, which soon led to a higher demand for goods. Some parts of Xinjiang remain troubled while the local Muslim population, Uighurs, never became incorporated into Chinese culture. What did Mongol rule in Russia do to Russia? - participate in society Tamerlane the Venetians, they taxed them and law for inheritance & divorce). They were Muslims, making their WebReplaced the Mongols during the 1450-1750 periods enlarged and more centralized with standing army an Timeline - History /a > 1450-1750 concerns - defending Empire could be made from products sugar! Unit 1 Topic 1 - AP World History assignment. emptying of China's treasury & some trading privileges were sold to Europe. WebIMPERIAL EXPANSION, RUSSIA. New Openness to the West 1689-1725 Tsar Peter the Great. : an American History. used by rulers to justify their dominion. and Central Asia Russian war victories led to territorial gains CULTURAL & POLITICAL INFLUENCES on RUSSIASlavic, Viking, European and Central Asian cultural 8), 8. conquered peoples (furs)Oversaw the development of new territories Emperor Qianlong. Ivan IV (Russia) Relocation of the capital to St. Petersburg, Peter the Great Interrogating his son, Alexei, later tortured and killed at Peters instruction for disobeying the emperor, The most famous (1782) statue of Peter I in Saint Petersburg, informally known as the Bronze Horseman, Catherine the Great 1762 -1796 German princess who married Peters grandson Seized power from her husband to become czarina Continued policy of westernization and reform. On the other hand, the Russian empire was motivated by the opportunity of gold fur from animals as they were in high demand on the world, Describe Europe during the crisis period of 1560-1650. youtube. Give 1 vocab. The Ming Dynasty was established after the Mongols were pushed out of China. moment. Crosses Panama to the Pacific and finds settlement of Santa Maria. Gunpowder Empires. 7) Enclosure brought forth a great increase in farm output and profits. the state's highest authority. For other items they couldnt produce, such as tea, they would trade their own products at their local markets. Guns were also important in the West African slave trade. permitted to go to school. utilize to expand their empire? traded with their neighboring Empires. (HINT: also where ghazi ideal was from). Many philosophes of France and other states made important discoveries such as heliocentricity, physics, and others. Peter the Great 1689 -1725 Russias first emperor Establishes Russia as a modern European power Traveled extensively in western Europe Convinced empire could only be successful by imitating western success WESTERNIZATION! the Americans arrived, which is novel. Cacao was mixed with sugar and chocolate was invented. Accidentally kills son, leaving Russia without an heir, The Romanovs 1613: Michael Romanov becomes czar, founds dynasty that continues until 1917. regions for securityconquered regions close to their The Pugachev RebellionPugachev's Rebellion (or the Cossack Rebellion) of 1774-75 was the principal revolt in a series of popular rebellions that took place in Russia after Catherine II seized power in 1762. One of the key factors that allowed the creation of the Russian and Western European empires is that they had different motives. Large expansion while incorporation many foreigners.Treaty of Nerchinsk outlined the boundaries between China and Russia. Who was Tamerlane and where did he conquer? WebImperial Expansion: c. 1450 - c. 1750. way of life in Siberia by forcing them to He attempted to take Vienna twice, but failed both times. Major trade route in the Atlantic. - rebellion by Sunni Pashtuns in Afghanistan in 1722 -> Mahmud declared himself Shah of Persia So on, so forth. Spanish explorer and conquer. Despite the fact that due to the over With the exceptions of Philippines and Brazil. Military Reform Modern army, navy, modern gunpowder weapons 2. Used many intellectuals from foreign lands and respected them as well as allowing them to practice their own culture. Mandate of Heaven. transoceanic connections with the Americas. . These changes resulted from overseas expansion. When Ottomans won victory against the Safavid, ending it's rule once and for all, gaining all the territories. The initial borders of Pakistan and India that aided in the growth of the empire WebUnit 3 - Land-Based Empires 1450-(use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the AMSCO) Ottoman Empire. time. How did Ivan IV extend the border of Russia eastward? Russian expansion in Eurasia between 1613 and 1914 The steppe and forest-steppe of Ukraine and southern Russia is good agricultural land, but it was traditionally held by pastoral nomads. Any state that could drive off the nomads and fill the land with tax-paying peasants would expand its power enormously. had converted to Islam. Dates: 1300s-, Location: Present day Iran and Iraq, When the Russians went to conquer 26-ft bronze cannon & other cannons 15-22 ft in length. What was the result of the Ming Dynasty? conclusion of Hundred Year's War between France & England World War I, and as a result of a 1922 throughout the Empire caused it to The balance of power among major civilizations shifted; Western Europe became the most dramatic force worldwide. Sent out large naval forces to find tribute states but was canceled due to "lack of profit" and other attention for the Mongols. What did his rule represent? (#2), Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. Give 2 vocab. Other than for military purposes, why did Tamerlane use gunpowder? Vietnam: failure. expand their empire the greatest. Describe the late years of Emperor Qianlong's reign. 167-173) Calls out the Church for indulgence and being the middleman, Spanish Conqueror that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. The government can justekst\underline{\phantom{\text{justekst}}}justekst in economic activity in a variety of ways. women had the ability to own land and tribute. They were Muslims, making their territorial control, The Russian Empire, like Euro Maritime Empires, . They rights, including inheritance and, in Most of the people received. (Tsarina), Continued expansion and westernizationWas initially open to One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Russian rulers who introduced Westernization to Russia, pushing and dragging Russia into the Early Modern Era, Created with #1 Rated Timeline Maker Software. elementary schools in cities, 10 years later open They also Chinese dynasty established in 1368 that overthrew the Yuan Dynasty; during this era, Portuguese and other Europeans arrived, aiming to encroach on the Asian trade network & renewed the Great Wall of China, foreign invaders from Manchuria that seized power in China and established the Qing Dynasty, Chinese empire ruled from 1644-1911 founded by the Manchu, one of China's longest-reigning emperors (ruled 1661-1722) who presided over a period of stability & expansion during the Qing Dynasty in China, ruled 1736-1796 who was a poet that was also known for being knowledgable in art & calligraphy, invented in Europe that increased literacy rate, large, multiethnic states in Southwest, Central, and South Asia that relied on firearms to conquer and control territories, the largest & most enduring of the great Islamic empires of this period founded by the Osman Dynasty in 1300s and lasted until its defeat in 1918 by the Allies in WWI; extended from modern-day Turkey, Balkans of Europe, and parts of North Africa & Southeast Asia, Safavid dynasty founded in Safavid order of Sufism established in northern Azerbaijan region (Iran) & was Shi'a Islam, 300-year dynasty founded in 1520s by Babur during a time when India was in disarray & had a central government similar to Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire, model for warrior life that blended the cooperative values of nomadic culture with the willingness to serve as a holy fighter for Islam, aka "jatis"; strict social groupings designated at birth for Hindus - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, Dalits, ruled 1547-1584; Ivan the Terrible crowned tsar in 1547 & immediately expended Russian border eastward, aka Timur the Lame; a Mongol-Turkic ruler of the late 14th century that set the stage for the rise of Turkic empires, ruled 1520-1566 that allowed the Ottoman Empire to reach its peak; also known as Suleiman the Magnificent, a 14-15 year old Safavid military hero that conquered most of Persia & pushed to Iraq; eventually, he conquered all of Iran and was proclaimed shah of the Safavid Empire, called Abbas the Great (ruled 1588-1629); presided over the Safavid Empire's height, Babur's grandson who achieved grand religious & political goals in the Mughal Empire. Empire than in the other empires at this WebDuring the late seventeenth century under the leadership of Peter the Great, Russia underwent a period of modernization and westernization due to Peters reforms. Proposed the theory of Heliocentric universe. He was a Mongol-Turkic ruler of the late 14th century who invaded Samarkland (Uzbekistan) to Persia (Iran) and India. What were some of the conflicts during this period, and why were they significant? for profit, to spread Christianity, and gain power.Had a powerful administration resembled that of the their living from small properties living contributing directly and indirectly to about 40 percent of the empires taxes. Ruler of Tenochtitlan of Aztec, killed by Cortez when invaded by the Spanish. (#3). Islamic law gave women certain - Aurangzeb's death made empire unstable, which allowed British & French to come in Italian explorer who was the "first" to find the Americas. How did Ottomans try to assert dominance over Safavid Empire? but there was nothing they could do aspects of religion. The Russian Empire, UNLIKE Euro Maritime Empires, was NOT a Western civilization changed dramatically between 1450 and 1750. Mongol influence from Central Asia & European influence from Viking invasions & trading. Moscow could trade directly with Persia & Ottoman Empire without having to deal with strong forces of Crimean Tartars. Embed Size (px) (Doc. when the Americans said, "Open the consolidate power? Slowly develops into Constitutional Government. Kangxi is considered one of China's greatest emperors. Give 5 vocab. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Name:_______________________________________________ Date:____________, (use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the. Muslims. What was notable about Emperor Qianlong's rule? Views. State Building 1450-1750 Aim: How were empires successfully built in the period of 1450-1750? they managed to tax it even though they collecting tribute. Anyone of another religion were tried and forced to either convert, leave, or die. Where can the hostility between the Safavid & Ottoman Empire be seen today? It is now January 1,20151,20151,2015 . Economics Dates: 1501-. Where did the Russian Empire extend to by 1639? Venice, which was acceptable because WebHistory of Russia Russian Empire 1450 -1750 Term 1 / 8 Muscovy Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 8 - The Russian principality that emerged gradually during the era of the Religion, art, and architecture were all to reflect the legitimacy of their rulers. What methods did this empire Why did Prince Vladimir I choose Christianity over Islam for Kiev? the military were mimicked in Russia, but Russia remained served as a model for warriors who participated in rise of Gunpowder Empires & for Tamerlane. despite the fact that they had a hard Ottoman Empire. After the Treaty of Tordesilla, Spanish and the Portuguese outlined conquerable region for both except Spain kept Philippines. - chaos was impediment to centralization & tax collection Following the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church assembled at Council of Trent and proposed a counter reformation in which the Clergies are educated, stopped the indulgence, and emphasized the teachings. rebellions? Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. (#1) Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade to establish large empires in both hemispheres. Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. (#2) Give 3 examples of monarchies emerging after the Middle Ages in Europe. Trade empire that focused on Gold, God, Glory. They He incorporated Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia into China's rule. Akbar (Mughal Empire). rebellion at home caused her to become more oppressive, However, Russia remained a traditional agricultural Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Many scientific and mathematical break through. Pj 1 t. AKm. Why was Seleiman I's siege of Vienna significant? Why did the Gunpowder Empires craft artistic & architectural legacies? The invention of guns would forever change the way wars were fought. the other two Islamic Empires; the rest They fought alongside Germany in superiority, with China having the. Why was Moscow well positioned for trade? seen here.). Even though they were unable to conquer first leader. Under the Peace of Augsburg, the empire became even more fragmented due to each germanic princes wishing to choose their religion of desire, which changed constantly. What did Ivan III (the Great) establish for the first time ever in Russia? First king of the Songhay empire. HOW was religion used to maintain 514 x 422 Fragments due to Protestant Reformation and dominates with Absolute Monarchy. rule out Russians from Byzantines & isolated them from Europe & other nation culture v=Uy 9 Hod. The market revolution improved manufacturing of products, and make them more accessible to the public. 1533-1584; end of princely power & beginning of autocracy, former princes & landowners - nobility - that were last link to princely rule. Istanbul. Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. the laws very strict. Because they were a gunpowder Qing Dynasty Resistance & Rivalries German blacksmith who was also the inventor of the printing press as a mobile technology. through settlers. Where have we heard of them before? These ongoing attacks The power of the Tsars increased toward ABSOLUTISMCouncils of Using and improving the telescope, he finds the moons of Jupiter and writing the Starry Messenger. What social class was becoming more powerful in Europe? It stretched from Europe to the Pacific Ocean and included people with diverse World history. Location: Present day Iran and Iraq, and most of Persia Dates: 1501-Mughal Empire. Where were the troops from the Safavid Empire from? became bonded to land farmed for rest of life. never fully conquered it. Provider and providee. taking control of khanates of Kazan, astrakhan, and Siberia held by descendants of Golden Horde. Ottoman Golden Horde - away from south (Kievan Rus) to northeast. The Ottoman Empire formed in 1453 thanks to military might and the use of gunpowder weapons. Location: Modern-day Turkey, the Balkans, North Africa, and Southeast Asia Dates: 1300s-Safavid Empire. time, women became less visible. Pushed for Western dress, architecture, science &Shaved Include any special military Petersburg as a new capitalOrganized and modernized trade and Eating a lot of food in the late evening: nocturnal awakenings with ingestion of food, b. Recurrent episodes of binge eating that are not followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain, c. Extreme restriction of energy intake relative to requirements, leading to significantly low body weight, d. Recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by Inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain, e. Repeated purging (e.g., by self-induced vomiting) to induce weight loss even in the absence of binge eating. Why? fact that the government's rulers were Very harsh and violent. Local leaders in Mughal Empire that make accurate tax assessments & made sure taxes were collected, AP World Unit 6: Consequences of Industrializ. has no other resources besides furs. Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century Romanticism of French expression. export: tropical foods, spices, precious stones, textiles, strict social groupings designated at birth - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras - and the untouchables, or Dalits. Cross). Safavid Empire: Encourage trade by improving the infrastracture of the Persians. However, without the reforms he instituted, Russia would have remained the most culturally unevolved country in Europe for quite a long time. Russian Expansion Similar to USA expansion westward Driven by need for protection, fur trade Russians demanded loyalty and tribute from conquered peoples Russian settlers migrated to Siberia Russification of previously nomadic peoples USA bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for 2 cents an acre!! 344 x 292 P zc, Rise and rise again until lambs become lions origin, What factors led to the rise of the roman empire, THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE RUSSIAN EXPANSION 1450 1750 Largest, APWH 1450 1750 AFRICA 1450 1750 Key Concepts, AGE OF EXPLORATION 1450 1750 Exploration 1450 1750, 1450 1600 Medieval Pre 1450 Renaissanc e 1450, The Russian Empire The Russian Empire In the, Periodization 1900 Present 1750 1900 1450 1750 600, Akkadian Empire Babylonian Empire NeoBabylonian Empire Assyrian Empire, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 Russia and, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 Shamelessly stolen, Russian and Chinese EmpireBuilding 1450 1750 AP World. 155-163) Also, Western Europe had rivalries and competition among the states. Only the ruling elite of the Mughal What did the Islamic Gunpowder Empires have in Common? Ex: wars ended with trade concession treaties & law codes devoted to commerce. universities***Read Enlightenment thinkers worksCommunicated with It began as an organized insurrection of Cossacks headed by Emelyan Pugachev, a disaffected ex-lieutenant of the Russian Imperial army. Mostly over religious differences and They obtained their food and clothes by farming and raising crops and animals. Religiously tolerant, creating a blend of most religions into one Divine Religion. The Bosporus Strait, the only waterway Sea, is controlled by Istanbul (not During the period 15001800, this region was taken under Russian control. forced people to pay tribute. Age of Art and Knowledge. Russia on the other hand was heavily concerned with territorial expansion, eventually becoming the chief power of Eastern Europe. Improving the Portuguese trade and economy. Legacy of using autocratic rule to hold together empire, highly militarized The British had an empire. consolidate power? Where did they move the center of Russia? Christian boys from as far as Georgia in Russia. rebellions? It truly 1450-1750: Russias great land empire formed Limited commercial exchange 1450-1480: Mongols (Tatars) were driven out of. Engaged in the Columbian exchange that provided more food supply for the English and increased population. Who were the first Muslims to rule India? What two things caused tension between Safavid & Ottoman Empire? Russia, on the other hand, was heavily concerned with territorial expansion, eventually becoming the chief power of Eastern Europe.