In "LOTUS", Ketch rescues the Winchesters and Castiel from the Secret Service and orders Castiel to wipe their memory before introducing himself. The murder of shapeshifter Sal Lassiter by what appears to be a werewolf nearly drives the families to war. Billie reveals that one of the rules of the Universe is that when one incarnation of Death dies, it is replaced by the next Reaper who dies first. Mary is shown to be a hunter with formidable skills, described by Arthur as the best hunter he has ever seen. She's a seven-time Grammy winner with hits that spanned the '60s, '70s, and '80s. Rufus stated that the oldest rule in hunting is that you can't save everyone. In the first three episodes of season 15, the Winchesters and their allies attempt to contain Constance Welch, Mary Worthington, John Wayne Gacy, Lizzie Borden's ghost, Francis Tumblety's ghost, and other unnamed Hell Ghosts to Harlan, Kansas where they emerged and find a way to send all of them back to Hell. Sam and Dean recruit a terrified Charlie to retrieve Frank's hard drive to protect the information there, as well as to break into Dick's office and hack his emails to gain information for their side. However, As Dean prepares to execute Jack with the Colt, Sam realizes that God is enjoying the scene. Jervis openly mocks Crowley's plans, now completely loyal to Lucifer. Rowena and the demon Trish later claim that Gerald is the one who is smuggling other demons out of Hell, enraging Gerald into strangling Rowena. [9], The writers originally intended for demons to not rely on human hosts, but rather exist "halfway between spirits and corporeal creatures. Michael "Mick" Davies is an operative from the British Men of Letters, portrayed by Adam Fergus. Rufus has a pacemaker and has lost at least three toes since the beginning of George Bush's presidency. Stepping back to the beginning when it was just them was the perfect finale. Dean then emptied several more rounds into his body which crumbled to dust. Mary Winchester (ne Campbell) regularly portrayed by Samantha Smith but depicted by Amy Gumenick in the time-travel episodes "In the Beginning" and "The Song Remains the Same" while a younger version played by Meg Donnelly appeared in the prequel series The Winchesters, is the wife of John Winchester and mother of Sam and Dean. Instead, Ramiel suggests that Crowley take power, but warns that if anyone disturbs him, there will be severe consequences. Tore down all the walls up here. In the climax of "Abandon All Hope", Lucifer performs a bloody ritual to raise Death, and to bind him to Lucifer's apocalyptic bidding. Unlike most dreamwalkers, Kaia has no control over this power and only sees a monster-filled world that she dubs The Bad Place. During the eleventh season, she escapes her prison to get revenge on her brother, but she and God reconcile by the end of the season. After the creature was killed, Bobby, Sam, and Dean buried Rufus. Sam initially does until he receives Charlie's email and decides to continue. However, Sam capriciously reversed course and exiled Sully. The seals Rufus Turner reports being broken are: ten species extinct in Key West, fishing crew of fifteen goes blind in Alaska, and a teacher in New York kills 66 students, all in one day. Sam and Dean kill the three demons and depart Hell without ever meeting with Rowena. Two years later in "Wayward Sisters", Donna is called in by Jody Mills to act as backup to help rescue the Winchesters from the alternate reality known as The Bad Place. Charlie has been paying for the care of her mother, whom she refuses to let go due to her feelings of guilt over the accident. He tells them that they need to keep a lower profile, avoid security cameras, and to get rid of their rockstar aliases, which are too easy to track. Lucifer and Castiel later manage to escape in "Various & Sundry Villains" while Asmodeus is away. In around 1989, while active in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, Hydeker was hunted by John Winchester. He once mentions that he killed his own mother over cigarettes. She previously auditioned for several love interests of the brothers, but believed that production had waited until the "perfect role" arrived before casting her due to their relationship.[18]. Garth directs the Winchesters to a place he has heard rumors of in Alaska where they might be able to regain their normal abilities and dances with Bess as they drive away. The Alpha Vampire, portrayed by Rick Worthy is the first member of the vampire species. After the case is over, Sam and Dean attribute it to a psychopathic serial killer, something Donna accepts. Desiring revenge, Lily began using Enochian magic to give herself immortality and various powers at the cost of parts of her soul burning away each time she used them. In season 15's "Galaxy Brain," Dark Kaia reveals that The Bad Place is dying and that Kaia is in fact still alive and trapped there. Dean meanwhile tries to protect Russell Wellington, the man who killed Charlie's parents, but Dark Charlie tricks Dean, kills Russell, and follows Dean to Clive's house where they fight and he brutally beats her, hurting Good Charlie who is still connected to her. Kevin is excited by his success despite the fact that the spell only opens the rift long enough for one person to go through. However, demons arrived and destroyed the helicopter; one of them possessed Henriksen but was exorcised. And Then There Were None: Directed by Mike Rohl. Durante o perodo mais srio da pandemia, muita gente ficou confinada dentro de casa. While Belphegor and Castiel travel into Hell to get the crook, Sam and Rowena will perform a spell to seal the rupture. Sam tries to explain that they just want to help her, but Dagon comes and takes her away again. Toni informs them of Mick Davies' murder and confirms that her organization is likely responsible for the death of American hunters. In season 5's "Free to Be You and Me," a vampire (portrayed by Ed Welch) makes a cameo appearance, hunted by Dean while he is hunting solo. When Mary calls for everyone to show any weapons they possess, Mick has nothing useful and admits to having never taken a life before. Rowena offers to trade the magic for the demon that Ada had trapped in a plant, intending to torture it for information on Crowley and she taunts Ada into attacking her with magic. Metatron takes Kevin back to the hotel where he lives and heals him and Kevin reveals that he has Crowley's half of the demon tablet with him. She is kidnapped by Dean, who takes her to a junkyard where Sam, Eileen Leahy, Mick Davies, and Renny Rawlings are waiting. In "The Rupture," possessing a doctor at a hospital, Ardat kills a nurse and confronts a recovering Arthur over his failure to follow through on assassinating Belphegor. Other hunters, including Bobby Singer, were aware of this and believed there to be no cure. When Sam fails to comply, Asmodeus breaks through the wards and leads a demon incursion to kill Sam and Castiel and recapture Gabriel. In season 14's "Nightmare Logic," Mary Winchester and the alternate Bobby Singer retreat to Donna's cabin for some down time following a hunt that brings up bad memories for Bobby. As a result of Lucifer's sheer power, Nick's body slowly degrades over season 5 as Lucifer's power burns him out and he develops ever worsening skin lesions. However, Michael destroys the spear after repossessing Dean. The three of them participate in a mock battle between their group and the other LARPers, which Charlie's side wins. Cole is possessed by a Khan Worm, but Dean manages to save him by dehydrating the room and causing the monster to flee. After introducing himself, Abraxas possessed Frank and brutally beat Sarah and Nick's son, Teddy, to death with a hammer. In 2016, Asa hunted Jael through the forest near his home with his best friend Bucky. Their mentor Victor Rogers (portrayed by Adrian Hough) turns out to be working with the true culprit Seth (portrayed by Cole Vigue) and setting up fake targets for them to hunt. After learning why Sam and Dean are there, she agrees to help them investigate the deaths and other mysterious injuries that have happened. Before dying, Eileen's mother managed to banish the Banshee with a spell, saving Eileen's life but leaving her deaf. Jesse and Sam learn from the sheriff that he had managed to track down the Bisaan, but discovered his daughter to be one of them. Many commit chaos at their own accord, doing so because they find it fun. In reality, Abaddon plots to infiltrate and then destroy the Men of Letters. They successfully get the book back and even though the Winchesters keep the book, Sam, sympathetic with what Rowena has gone through at Lucifer's hands, allows Rowena to take the page with the ritual she needs and Rowena restores her full powers. Magnus' ideas got so radical that after he created the Werther Box, a vault designed to protect an important decryption codex but with a deadly alarm system, he was kicked out of the Men of Letters on May 16, 1956. Werewolves are one of the most recurring types of monsters on Supernatural. [9] An encyclopedia on demons was used for research, with Binsfield's Classification of Demons inspiring "The Magnificent Seven's" storyline of seven demons being the physical embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. This nest is being hunted by ruthless hunter Gordon Walker who wants to exterminate the entire species due to his sister getting turned. After finally hacking it, an automatic email sent to the brothers which states that if they are receiving it, it means that Frank is dead or worse. They became estranged after this. However, as John was already dead, his other sons got the call and were shocked to learn of their half-brother. Kevin is not happy to see that the Winchesters have Crowley captive and have not killed him. In season seven, Sam and Dean encounter Osiris (portrayed by Faran Tahir) in "Defending Your Life." And I didn't know what I would have done if I didn't have you cause I was so scared. Though devastated, Dean helps Corbin and Michelle escape to a hospital where Corbin subsequently transforms into a werewolf and kills a doctor. Henry's arrival and search for John creates much confusion for the Winchesters who only knew of him as their grandfather who had supposedly run out on John when he was four. As Dean hands over the gun, he punches Toni unconscious, having recognized that she was using a Chinese mind control technique and that knocking her out would end its effects. After Crowley announces his intention to kill Lucifer while he is weakened, he openly laughs while Jervis mocks Crowley's words. Dean tries to ignore Sam's warning's, going as far as threatening to shoot him, before calming down. She first appears in "The Purge" when Sam and Dean investigate mysterious deaths where overweight people are drained of most of their fat. Her first appearance occurs after Castiel is shown taking possession of Jimmy. As well, before meeting Ramiel, the Winchesters were unaware that there was more than one Yellow-Eyed Demon as the only Prince they had previously met was Azazel. Unlike most monsters that are vulnerable to silver, they do not appear to need to be stabbed in the heart with silver to be killed by it. It is later revealed that he wants Kevin to translate another Word of God tablet so he can learn how to open all the gates of Hell and release every demon in existence upon the world. Regular werewolves are bound to the full moon for their change. Claire is possessed by Castiel when her parents, Dean, and Sam Winchester, are held captive by demons, her mother having been possessed so that the demons could watch Jimmy and determine his unique qualities as a vessel. With more enhanced vampires attacking, Dean frees Dark Kaia who flees. The morning following his death, Michael and Asher's mother noted that Hydeker had mysteriously not appeared at work, a fact that the Winchesters did not comment on. Sam and Dean's reactions suggest that they have forgotten about Adam. Josie manages to convince the Knight of Hell to possess her instead of Henry and the surviving demons fake a win by Henry and Josie. Family Secretly possessing the angel Dumah, the Shadow accompanies Castiel to Jack in Kelly Kline's Heaven where it reveals itself and attempts to take Jack with it. Though Lily gets her revenge with Ishim's death, she is left unsure of whether or not she can let go of her vengeance against Castiel due to revenge being all she's had for over a century. Cole Trenton, portrayed by Travis Aaron Wade, is a military brat and an ex-Marine whose father, Edward, was killed by Dean Winchester in 2003, making him bent for revenge against his father's killer all his life. Though Grab is killed, the Winchesters and Alice succeed in stealing the trunk and confront Luther. In season 12, Mary Winchester hunts a nest in "First Blood" when her sons are missing. She was adopted by Jody Mills after her vampire "family" was defeated, as they had both lost their families. Later on, Mick Davies retrieves Toni and informs her that he has sent for Ketch, who is shown preparing to leave the UK. Gordon Walker, portrayed by Sterling K. Brown, is a vampire hunter whose methods often put him at odds with the Winchester brothers. With Dark Kaia having left Kaia the tools that she needed, Kaia survived two years stuck in The Bad Place, but Dark Kaia learned that her world is in trouble from the connection that still existed between the two. Lucifer also implies that Asmodeus is the youngest of the Princes of Hell. Back in 2008, Rufus contacted Bobby about a case he thought involves a baku. ", "Supernatural Creator Eric Kripke Answers Fan's Questions Part II", "Supernatural Creator Eric Kripke Answers Fan's Questions Part III", Nick's body is later found by Sam and Dean in "Absence." In Kaia's case, she is stated to be the most powerful dreamwalker her friend and mentor Derek Swan ever saw. Sam apologizes for not being able to save Nick or his victims, who will haunt Nick for the rest of his life. Demon mutations do not have to possess humans and can even materialize in the shape of a young girl to attract people nearby to kill them. After finishing his autobiography, God has Metatron read it while he plays "Dink's Song" on his guitar. In "The Rupture," after Belphegor's betrayal means that all of the souls and demons won't be sealed in Hell, Rowena reveals that she knows of a spell that can draw the remaining souls and demons inside of her body and cast them into Hell. In "Taxi Driver," Kevin is under so much stress that he is hallucinating Crowley in his head and that Crowley is mentally torturing him. When Ennis Ross gets angry when Sal is served first at an upscale restaurant, Marv steps in, but is stopped by Sal while Ennis notices Marv's distorted reflection in a mirror. The killer is revealed to be a shapeshifter when her shed skin is found. Hydeker is immortal, superhumanly strong and fast and nearly invulnerable to harm with lore stating that shtriga cannot be killed any weapon forged by God or man. Later, Ellen and Dean help break the spell War has over them. While the Winchesters deal with the other corpses, Jesse gives Matty a Hunter's Funeral and is finally able to lay his past to rest. In Supernatural season 6, episode 16, "And Then There Were None," Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) and Rufus Turner (Steven Williams) discussed a supposed incident in Omaha that caused a rift in their friendship. Chet (played by Sean Owen Roberts) is a Leviathan stationed at a credit card company. The first person he saw was, of course, Bobby, who shared the good news of Jack's productive turn with the well-known afterlife destination. Furthermore, their Kaia is still alive, Dark Kaia having treated her wound and left her the tools to survive before leaving her homeworld. After hearing how Kevin used the Angel Tablet to find a way to open the rift, the Winchesters bring in Prophet Donatello Redfield to search the Demon Tablet for a similar spell. Sam speculates that as the archangel blade is designed to kill the archangel inside and not the vessel, it left Nick unharmed aside from a slowly healing wound in his side where he was stabbed. Sam and Dean choose to let the two men leave, agreeing that a hunter who gets their revenge and actually decides to leave the life deserves to have that chance. When told that they need to locate and burn the costumes, Donna offers to deal with that with Doug. Executive producer and series writer Adam Glass revealed on Twitter that Abaddon was inspired by Lauren Bacall, an actress whom he admires. Oh, man. He and his wife Deanna are revealed to be hunters in the fourth-season episode "In the Beginning", where Dean is transported back in time. Afterwards, Claire receives a call from Jody that the Winchesters have disappeared and Jody needs her help. Angels of God are extremely powerful spiritual beings. Unaware of how to hide his kills and having just come of age, he drew too much attention with his actions. Garth blows up the club with C4, killing Cutty and all of the monsters inside apart from Maul. In season 13's "Unfinished Business," the Apocalypse World version of Kevin reveals that his version of Linda died in front of him during the Apocalypse. Sam arrives at the hospital in time to save Dean from Corbin who has become intoxicated by his new power as a werewolf, forcing Sam to kill him. Michael later returns control to Adam after he is captured by the Winchesters and Adam explains that he and Michael reached an agreement during their years in the Cage when they only had each other for company. Anubis sends Lily's soul off to be reunited with her daughter at long last with Lily smiling in happiness and peace. Twelve years later, Missouri returns in season 13's "Patience." As a result, Josie's head is left sewed onto her neck, but her hands remain detached as a precaution. Rufus is the youngest of three brothers. Going to a motel, Charlie continues her efforts to translate the Book of the Damned and finally manages to crack the code just before Eldon Styne arrives. He returned to active hunting after Lilith began to break the 66 Seals. In "The Scar," Castiel tells Sam and the returned Dean that Nick took off claiming that he had personal matters to attend to and hasn't been returning Castiel's phone calls since. It's MeDean Winchester". In the aftermath, Kaia accepts an invitation to return to Sioux Falls with Jody and asks after Claire who Jody promises will be home soon. However, the two eventually realized they were dealing with a being known as a Soul Eater rather than a ghost. He owns a homemade laptop, which he uses to track the paranormal, particularly Azazel, with the information John Winchester and his sons, Sam and Dean, have gathered. While Dorothy holds the brothers off, Charlie finds and kills the Witch by stabbing in the head with Oz's famous ruby slippers before the Witch can let her army in through a portal to Oz. And you're stronger than me. Although his advice, to "kick the kid in the nuts," does not get Lisa's approval, Ben hugs Dean in thanks. Title/Alias In "Game Night," Nick kidnaps the prophet Donatello Redfield and claims to have injected him with thallium. One of the ghouls took on Adam's identity to lure John to them. In "Weekend at Bobby's", Rufus visited Bobby and informed him that he had the police on his tail and needed Bobby's help in disposing of the body of an Okami that he'd found in Billings, Montana. God/Chuck later enters a store in another world, where he reveals himself as being a sociopathic narcissist who sees the Winchesters as "toys" that exist for his amusement. She discovered Azazel there - later revealed to have been feeding Sam his demonic blood - and confronted him, but was pinned to the ceiling by him and slashed across her abdomen, eventually bursting into flames. Djinn are a race of monsters appearing in Supernatural. Dean goes to see Rufus Turner, even though Sam opposes the idea of hunting for Bela and is adamant in hunting Doc Benton, as they have only a couple of weeks until Dean's deal runs out. Having eliminated the other worlds, God returns to the main world, where he meets with Amara. Gerald offers to do it for Crowley if Crowley can't bring himself to do it, mentioning how he once killed his own mother. It was destroyed by demons, killing all inside, Ellen escaped because she was out buying pretzels. Charlie is eventually captured by a good fairy named Gilda who has kidnapped her on her master's orders. Lily quickly kills Mirabel and turns her attention to Ishim when he emerges. Sam and Charlie decide not to destroy it but to put it away in a curse box, which will prevent anyone from tracking it down. In "Tombstone", Castiel tells Jack that Kelly would be proud of him. The person making the deal will benefit from the deal they made. Despite the risks, Linda decides to take the ring Kevin is attached to and look after him until he can enter Heaven. However, Sam decapitates him while he is distracted and as a result of his betrayal, the Alpha gives Sam and Dean his blood for the weapon they are creating. Gordon focuses on eliminating the supernatural simply because it isn't human, where the Winchesters are more willing to tolerate supernatural entities that are not actively killing humans. Your email address is what connects your Facebook account with SignUpGenius. Bobby talks on the phone to Rufus about omens that may indicate the appearance of Death, in "The Devil You Know". As they lead the Winchesters to safety, the four are ambushed by Dark Kaia who throws her spear at Claire. Bonding with Claire over their experiences, Kaia reveals her knowledge of the creature and about the Winchesters' efforts to open a rift. The two witness several angels executing resistance fighters and taking captive Charlie Bradbury, the alternate counterpart of an old friend of Dean's. I am just reminiscing S1-2 maybe. In "LOTUS", Sam calls Mick for help with Lucifer but hangs up when he gets Mick's voicemail. She then wakes up and in the episode's last scene, takes Dean's advice by having her mother taken off of life-support after reading The Hobbit aloud to her like her mother did to Charlie as a little girl. [3] Kripke eventually found that it opened up new storylines to include in the show.[2]. Now I'm not. He then hires Arthur Ketch, a former member of the British Men of Letters and a skilled assassin, to help him search for Jack. Colt also built a railroad of iron, in the shape of a pentagram with a church at each of the points, around the devil's gate to further ensure that it was demon-proof. Together, Bobby and Rufus traversed through some of Bobby's best and worst memories until they ended up back in the Singer house. Gabriel is shown to be Asmodeus' prisoner. In season 13's "The Bad Place," Dark Kaia is briefly seen as a dark hooded figure when Kaia and Jack attempt to open a rift to Apocalypse World to rescue Mary Winchester. In season 2's "Bloodlust," Sam and Dean encounter a nest of vegetarian vampires that feed only on animals and consist of Lenore (portrayed by Amber Benson), Eli (portrayed by Ty Olsson), Conrad, and Christina Flanagan (portrayed by Janeane Carltone). With the Men of Letters gone and no longer able to stop them, Samuel has been attempting to stop the Akrida by finding where they cross over into this world and using the box - the only thing that can kill them - to stop them. Now, dark Charlie has come to Earth seeking revenge for her parents deaths, good Charlie following to stop her. Asmodeus places Donatello under his control as an unwitting spy. With The Bad Place on the verge of destruction, Dark Kaia refuses to leave with them and decides to die along with her homeworld, tearfully ordering them to go. and "The Devil in the Details," Lucifer manifests in Hell to communicate with Sam. When the Winchesters track Pestilence, he is revealed to be vengeful for the defeat of War and Famine. Dean expressed skepticism initially (due to hearing the story in the midst of a drinking game inspired by the exploit) but he later confided to Sam that he believed Asa to be a 'legit' hunter, evidenced by his armory, complete with an angel blade. Before Justin can kill Dean, Mick kills Justin with a silver bullet to the heart from behind. Working together, Jack and Mary escape Michael's fortress and link up with some of the surviving human population led by Bobby Singer. In "Back and to the Future," possessing the corpse of Lucifer's Nephilim son Jack, Belphegor presents himself as an ally to the Winchesters. Dean extracts it using plastic explosives, breaking the sword in the process. He differs from other demons in that its eye color is either pale blue and/or possibly gray. After Jack takes Castiel out of the Empty, the amused Shadow simply comments that it will see him soon. Mick reports this while noting that cleaning up loose ends is Arthur's job. Knowing that Sam knew about the cure, as well, he concludes that Sam wanted Dean inside the nest to locate the Alpha Vampire, though Sam denies it. Barthamus shows no care for Grab's death and compels Alice to keep going. In season 5's "Sympathy for the Devil," Nick, who has recently lost his wife Sarah and son Teddy in a brutal home invasion, is tormented by visions created by Lucifer regarding the loss of his family. Simmons is a minor demon portrayed by Bethany Brown appearing in season 11 that is loyal to Lucifer and hates Crowley. The Harder They Fall follows Nat Love, the outlaw who robs outlaws, the angel of death who hunts down his nemesis, Rufus Buck. Abaddon also uses the time travel spell that Henry had used to escape to 2013 in order to kidnap Crowley's son Gavin from the past as leverage against him. In the melee, Eileen accidentally shoots Renny. Donna pulls Nick over in a stolen van and learns from Nick's fingerprints about Nick being wanted for his murder spree. Though Garth guesses that he's only a special guest star in the story, he suggests that its better than being the hero. However, Dean and Claire are left behind as they don't want Claire getting hurt and the Mark of Cain's influence on Dean is getting worse. But oh, boy, did he give his little brother one hell of a goodbye. He later accompanies Dean to a bar to interrogate Hayden's boyfriend with his behavior drawing Dean's suspicions. They discover Amanda Willer, an employee of Dick Roman, surveying the site for construction. When Edgar calls Eve a whore, the Alpha Vampire is enraged and attacks him. Dagon is later attacked by a team of angels led by Castiel who attempt to kill her with the Colt. He and Bobby bury the okami's body on Bobby's property, at the same time discussing Bobby's progress concerning Crowley and the return of his soul. Azazel kills her parents and then-boyfriend John Winchester, after which he bargains with Mary for John's life, offering to resurrect John if she allows him to enter her house ten years later. Even though all signs point to a human bad guy, Donna calls the Winchesters for help and they come to her aid alongside Doug who is now her boyfriend. At Kevin's insistence, the Winchesters rescue her and she joins them in their quest to close the gates of Hell forever. June 29, 2022; medical bills on credit report hipaa violation letter; masajes con aceite de oliva para el cabello . Both Sam and Dean acknowledge that neither Adam nor Castiel are likely alright and vow to get them back. Editor's Note: Recently, we've all been . As seen in season 13's "Exodus," the Apocalypse World Castiel also chose his world's Jimmy as his vessel unlike most of the angels of that world who have different vessels. While hunting a werewolf with Mick Davies of the British Men of Letters, the Winchesters learn that Claire is on the same hunt and they team up together. After Dean leaves to confront Sam over the revelation, Eldon escapes by ripping off his own arm. The Alpha is held with all the other captured monsters in Crowley's prison, but escapes before Castiel can kill him like he does the other Alphas and monsters in the prison. He also states that, though he usually does not pass judgment, he finds all Sam's actions "well-played." She soon fires a gun at him, leaving Sam's fate uncertain. Unlike Azazel, Ramiel has long-since lost interest in Lucifer's plans and separated himself from Hell, joined by Dagon and Asmodeus. Disguised as a maid, Eileen comes to the mistaken impression that the Winchesters are Banshees and attacks Sam before they can sort it all out. When Dean and Castiel need to know the third trial to close the gates of Heaven, they take the angel tablet to Kevin who is distraught as he believed that it would be over once he was done with the demon tablet, causing an angry Castiel to yell at him that he is a Prophet until he dies. In "The Trap," God reveals that Sam's visions, including the one of Benny, are actually God's memories of alternate realities and what happened to the Sams and Deans in those worlds. Arthur sees Dean as the same as him and the two decide to take down a vampire nest together. As a result, when the Winchesters eventually die, Billie will toss them into "the Empty" where nothing ever returns from to ensure they will remain dead. In "The Spear," Garth, having infiltrated Michael's organization, overhears Dark Kaia's location and passes it onto the Winchesters. The ghosts terrorized the trio until they were put to rest. However, after being reminded of how good he really is and his love for his family, Dean instead impales Death with the scythe, killing him. Sam planned to ask her to marry him, but she is killed by a demon on Azazel's orders; it was revealed the demon that killed her was the friend who introduced her to Sam, named Brady, to break Sam from his increasingly normal life. Amara, however, realizes that Chuck has never changed as a person, and leaves him trapped on earth.