(xvi) The control system shall permit only a single stroke per initiation command. b. Shaft couplings shall be so constructed as to present no hazard from bolts, nuts, setscrews, or revolving surfaces. The bottom of the guard shall come to within three-eighths inch of a plane formed by bottom or contact face of the feed roll where it touches the stock. a. Eligibility. Limitation: These wheels shall be mounted only with a special tapered flange. (d) Each pull-out device in use shall be visually inspected and checked for proper adjustment at the start of each operator shift, following a new die set-up, and when operators are changed. (iii) Special handtools for placing and removing material shall be such as to permit easy handling of material without the operator placing a hand in the danger zone. Abrasive wheels shall be used only on machines provided with safety guards as defined in the following paragraphs of this section, except: (i) Wheels used for internal work while within the work being ground; (ii) Mounted wheels, used in portable operations, 2 inches and smaller in diameter; and. and fell backwards and hit my head on the frame of the conveyor . Air controlling equipment shall be protected against foreign material and water entering the pneumatic system of the press. If its necessary to clean belts or drums while the equipment in is motion, insure proper barrier guards are in place and that no part of the equipment can be activated which could endanger the individual at work. b. Bolts, nuts, and setscrews will, however, be permitted where they are covered with safety sleeves or where they are used parallel with the shafting and are countersunk or else do not extend beyond the flange of the coupling. (7) Feeder attachments shall have the feed rolls or other moving parts so covered or guarded as to protect the operator from hazardous points. (1) Mechanical forging presses. (iii) The band shall be of sufficient width and its position kept so adjusted that at no time will the wheel protrude beyond the edge of the band a distance greater than that indicated in Figure O-29 and in Table O-2 or the wall thickness (W), whichever is smaller. 2. 1910.124 General requirements for dipping and coating operations. (viii) Number of operators required for the operation and the number of operators provided with controls and safeguards. All surrounding floors shall be kept in good condition and free from obstructions, grease, oil, and water. The manufacturer or the manufacturer's representative shall certify to and submit to an OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization the documentation necessary to demonstrate that the PSDI safety system design is in full compliance with the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217(a)-(h) and this appendix A, as applicable, by means of analysis, tests, or combination of both, establishing that the following additional certification/validation requirements are fulfilled. The hood shall be made of adequate strength to resist blows and strains incidental to reasonable operation, adjusting, and handling, and shall be so designed as to protect the operator from flying splinters and broken saw teeth. The guard shall have openings no larger than one-half (12) inch. The use of belt poles as substitutes for mechanical shifters is not recommended. (vii) Means used to actuate press stroke (foot trip, foot control, hand trip, hand control, or other). Blanking of the sensing field is not permitted. Tail rods or extension piston rods shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section, or by a guardrail on sides and end, with a clearance of not less than fifteen (15) nor more than twenty (20) inches when rod is fully extended. (iii) Safety tripwire cable or wire center cord. Navigate by entering citations or phrases a. When frequent oiling must be done, openings with hinged or sliding self-closing covers shall be provided. Types of Tests Acceptable for Certification/Validation. Gears shall be guarded in accordance with one of the following methods: (ii) By a standard guard as described in paragraph (o) of this section, at least seven (7) feet high extending six (6) inches above the mesh point of the gears; or. (b) The performance of combined subsystems meets OSHA's operational requirements. (iv) single strand V-belts, the width of which is thirteen thirty-seconds (1332) inch or less. Safety Standard for Guarding of Machinery and Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus. (ii) The operating levers on hand-tripped presses having more than one operating station shall be interlocked to prevent the tripping of the press except by the concurrent use of all levers. http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/mechanical.html. It should also be noted that organic bonded wheels do not emit the same clear metallic ring as do vitrified and silicate wheels. The visual check shall include a determination that the spring housing or rod does not show damage sufficient to degrade the structural integrity of the unit, and the spring does not show any tendency to interleave. c. The manufacturer shall specify the test requirements and procedures from existing consensus tests in compliance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code. Subpart O - Machinery and Machine Guarding. A summary of part level content is listed below followed by the table of contents, where you can drill down further. 1910.1002 Coal tar pitch volatiles; interpretation of term. Immediately before mounting, all wheels shall be closely inspected and sounded by the user (ring test) to make sure they have not been damaged in transit, storage, or otherwise. (i) Where both runs of horizontal belts are seven (7) feet or less from the floor level, the guard shall extend to at least fifteen (15) inches above the belt or to a standard height except that where both runs of a horizontal belt are 42 inches or less from the floor, the belt shall be fully enclosed in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. (ii) The ram shall be blocked with a material the strength of which shall meet or exceed the specifications or dimensions shown in Table O-11. Each recognized third-party validation organization and its validating laboratories shall: 1. The guard shall prevent opening of the interlocked section and reaching into the point of operation prior to die closure or prior to the cessation of slide motion. 4. The upper run shall be so guarded as to prevent contact therewith either by the worker or by objects carried by him. (i) Every point of operation guard shall meet the following design, construction, application, and adjustment requirements: (a) It shall prevent entry of hands or fingers into the point of operation by reaching through, over, under or around the guard; (b) It shall conform to the maximum permissible openings of Table O-10; (c) It shall, in itself, create no pinch point between the guard and moving machine parts; (d) It shall utilize fasteners not readily removable by operator, so as to minimize the possibility of misuse or removal of essential parts; (e) It shall facilitate its inspection, and. (3) Belt perches. 1910.94 Ventilation. These guards shall effectively prevent the hands or fingers of the operator from coming in contact with the nip points. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment additional strength may be necessary. (iii) A means of selecting Off, Inch, Single Stroke, and Continuous (when the continuous function is furnished) shall be supplied with the clutch/brake control to select type of operation of the press. Flywheels located so that any part is seven (7) feet or less above floor or platform shall be guarded in accordance with the requirements of this subparagraph: (i) With an enclosure of sheet, perforated, or expanded metal, or woven wire; (ii) With guard rails placed not less than fifteen (15) inches nor more than twenty (20) inches from rim. When flywheel extends into pit or is within 12 inches of floor, a standard toeboard shall also be provided; When the upper rim of flywheel protrudes through a working floor, it shall be entirely enclosed or surrounded by a guardrail and toeboard. It is recommended that old installations be changed to conform to this rule. When dies are being changed or maintenance is being performed on the press, the following shall be accomplished: (i) The power to the press shall be locked out. (See Figures O-14 and O-15. The records shall include the manufacture and model number of each component and subsystem, the calculations of the safety distance as required by paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section, and the stopping time measurements required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 39 FR 41846, Dec. 3, 1974; 53 FR 8353, Mar. (2) Engine rooms. (4) Pressure pipes. Only part revolution type mechanical power presses are approved for PSDI. 1910.1001 Asbestos. The angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on machines known as bench and floor stands should not exceed 90 or one-fourth of the periphery. (10) Bolt-headers mean the same as an upsetter or forging machine except that the diameter of stock fed into the machine is much smaller, i.e., commonly three-fourths inch or less. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. 1910.112-1910.113 [Reserved] 1910.119 Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals. 1910.212 General requirements for all machines. 2. When refacing or truing, care shall be exercised to make sure that proper relief and rigidity is maintained as specified in paragraphs (c) (2) and (5) of this section and they shall be replaced when they do not conform to these subparagraphs and Table O-4, Figure O-30, Table O-5, Figure O-31, Table O-6, Figure O-32, and Table O-8, Figure O-35. Appendix B to Subpart I of Part 1910Nonmandatory Compliance Guidelines for Hazard Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment Selection This requirement shall not apply to natural sandstone wheels or metal, wooden, cloth, or paper discs, having a layer of abrasive on the surface. (a) When used in press operations requiring more than one operator, separate two hand trips shall be provided for each operator, and shall be designed to require concurrent application of all operators' to activate the slide. (4) Hand feeding tools. (64) Certification or certify means, in the case of design certification/validation, that the manufacturer has reviewed and tested the design and manufacture, and in the case of installation certification/validation and annual recertification/revalidation, that the employer has reviewed and tested the installation, and concludes in both cases that the requirements of 1910.217 (a) through (h) and appendix A have been met. They allow workers to reduce the amount of materials handled manually thereby increasing work capacity and production output. The time increase allowed shall be limited to no more than 10 percent of the longest press stopping time measured at the top of the stroke, or 10 milliseconds, whichever is longer. (12) The knife blade of jointers shall be so installed and adjusted that it does not protrude more than one-eighth inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head. 1910.1200 Hazard communication. Appendix E to Subpart L of Part 1910Test Methods for Protective Clothing, Subpart MCompressed Gas and Compressed Air Equipment. (2) Safety trip, side. Appendix C to Subpart L of Part 1910Fire Protection References For Further Information (ii) The inside diameter of the band shall not be more than 1 inch larger than the outside diameter of the wheel, and shall be mounted as nearly concentric with the wheel as practicable. The following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) laws and regulations are most commonly applied to industrial machinery: OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry Regulations OSHA 29 CFR 1910.211 Definitions OSHA 29 CFR 1910.212 General Requirements for Guarding All Machines OSHA 29 CFR 1910.213 Woodworking Machinery Requirements Name of manufacturer and catalog or model number of each subsystem or major component. Employees are also encouraged to pay close attention to work pieces that have slots or other surface profiles that may increase the risk of entanglement. (60) Brake monitor means a sensor designed, constructed, and arranged to monitor the effectiveness of the press braking system. (i) Vertical and inclined belts shall be enclosed by a guard conforming to standards in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section.