Along with other relevant policies in the plan, this policy will be a material consideration in engaging with the site licensee, NDA and the NNB promoter, other potential developers and providing pre-application advice, assessing and determining individual planning applications, as well as responding to other notifications and consultations related to the decommissioning of Oldbury power station. We will continue to invest in them to ensure they can benefit from the same opportunities as any other young person. Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), 59. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) High quality and well-considered green and blue infrastructure has been included to an appropriate level, and appropriately designed to contribute towards the vision and strategic objectives of the locality. Recent updates to national legislation has resulted in changes to the Use Classes Order. Adele Davison, Apprentice Engineer, South Gloucestershire Council. One of the proposals includes reducing the number of policies at the Local Plan level and creating new national planning policies to cover key topics. It remains common for developers, in undertaking a context appraisal, to attempt to justify further indistinct development by referring to usually 20th century post-war development of indistinct quality nearby and/or claiming that the locality lacks distinction by way of the variety of ages and styles of development that exist in the area. These should include governance arrangements, plans and mechanisms to cover the full range of impacts, to assess compliance with KPIs, the adequacy of mitigation, compensation or community benefits and to ensure that any necessary adjustments to mitigation can be agreed and made as necessary. This document is therefore a key starting point in the process and journey to prepare a new Local Plan. Our Local Plan evidence base includes documents related to the new Local Plan, including recent and forthcoming new evidence and background information supporting the Phase 2 consultation. Key Services and Facilities and appropriate walking & cycling distances to them will be defined in a proposed new policy Sustainable Travel & Access, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan. Age UK South Gloucestershire is an independent local charity with its own locally elected board of trustees and is part of the Age UK network. Given the proximity of Oldbury A and the proposed NNB site, and the potential for close interrelationships between multiple factors, the Council will continue to work with the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency, the operators of Oldbury A and NNB promoters in respect of decommissioning plans and the potential for integration with NNB. Our Local Strategic Partnership will have a particularly prominent role on those issues which require a joined-up approach across multiple partners, most notably in tackling the Climate Emergency, our ambitions to enhance educational attainment and in closing the inequality gap, Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young people. Whilst we are exploring innovative digital methods by which to present our services and engage local people, we recognise the value of continued face-to-face conversations and maximising the involvement of community-based groups. The map below shows the indicative areas that will require an SGC Accessibility Assessment. After consultation with a scheme promoter and other relevant parties and as appropriate to the scale of development proposed, prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide more detailed and/or site specific guidance to inform the Councils: i. pre-and post-application engagement and consultation responses;ii. At this stage, two policy options are presented under criterion 1. Given the importance of decommissioning, it is recognised that priority should be given to uses that facilitate the decommissioning of the existing station. Different standards for different parts of the district? This policy addresses the emissions from the operational phase of a building/development, in terms of heat and power. This will be updated as part of the Development Plan and particularly provide further guidance on the following: Further guidance on the Accessibility Assessment and Zoning approach Further guidance on technical standards for parking provision, Core Strategy Policy CS36 Proposals for Major Infrastructure Projects. Our new Local Plan is an opportunity to review our existing policies and begin thinking about what type of new policies and approaches will be needed in the future. Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, 62. Managing the Environment and Heritage 6 Managing the Environment and Heritage 6.1 This. The Local Development Guide was presented and adopted at Gloucestershire County Council's Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2021. Retrofitting buildings is significantly more disruptive, costly and time-consuming than designing buildings to be net zero carbon in the first place. The Council has identified ten themes and associated issues, constraints and opportunities relevant to: the development of sustainable and integrated proposals for a NNB development, and the minimisation of impacts on our local communities and environment, and the maximisation of positive outcomes, community benefits and legacy. In the last two years, we have seen a 5% increase in assessments for adult social care. It may be appropriate in certain situations to retain and renovate existing buildings, where this forms part of a more sustainable approach to development, or where existing structures have local historic significance. Broadly, this new approach aims to optimise development sites, by making more efficient use of land in sustainable urban locations, as required by paras 122 and 123 of the NPPF. Theme: Economic Development (also links to Education, training and skills below), Covid 19 has resulted in economic uncertainty NNB should benefit host community both residents and businesses Potential for impact on local businesses due to displacement of staff and skills Long NNB lead in times increase risk of changed local economic conditions Potential for boom and bust, Set local targets and encourage, enable and support local supply chain to engage with NNB procurement Raise aspirations and offer training and upskilling opportunities for local people to help meet NNB needs Contribute to delivery of West of England Local Enterprise Partnership Strategic Plan Surveys during implementation to understand the wider effects of NNB including on local businesses and inform any necessary adjustment to mitigation, Theme: Education, Training & Skills (also links to Economic Development above), NNB need for STEM related and support skills Potential for leakage of skills from local businesses Historic pattern of underachievement in secondary level education for South Gloucestershire NNB demand for education, training and skills likely to be beyond current capacity and offer of local colleges Capacity of existing nurseries, pre-schools and schools to meet needs of incoming NNB families Long lead in times for education to deliver on NNB needs, Early investment in local colleges to delivery high quality local skills and training opportunities for local people Initiatives to raise aspirations and attainment in local schools Active and wide promotion of STEM subjects from young age Contribute to delivery of South Gloucestershires Joint Health and Well-being Strategy, Theme: Community health and safety, community benefit and quality of life (including environmental health), Close proximity of dwellings to the NNB site Local people have ready PRoW access to the countryside and along the estuary The existing environment around the NNB site is rural, tranquil and peaceful By its very nature NNB development will have wide ranging effects on local people An influx of construction workers could place pressures on local infrastructure and services and result in concerns about community safety There is a need to understand effects on the well-being of communities during implementation. Our priorities are brought to life through a package of 20 commitments. With advances in technology, this is becoming more achievable for most people. There should be transparency of monitoring of progress against the DCO, its Requirements and the KPIs through the publication of a publicly accessible Annual Monitoring Report. Reference should also be made to saved Core Strategy Policy CS4 Renewable or Low Carbon District Heat Networks. when there are predicted to be maximum numbers of e.g. retail, office, leisure) which include vehicular parking must include as a minimum passive infrastructure to enable the future provision of electric charging facilities; For all non-residential developments providing 10 or more parking bays, at least 20% of those bays are required to provide active charging facilities for electric or other ultra-low vehicles. Given the long term nature of decommissioning, spanning many years and even generations, it is acknowledged that plans for the site will evolve over time, and the masterplan will therefore need address both interim and end states and be capable of review and revision. This will need to include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in. The Council proposes that developments within the urban zone (seen on the indicative map below) must submit a SGC Accessibility Assessment. Once greater detail is known, for example the number of new homes or jobs we need to plan for, we can begin drafting those new policies. They will eventually be replaced by new policies included in the Local Plan 2020- but not until the Local Plan 2020 has been adopted. Clauses 2 and 3 of the policy set out specific on-site requirements. 4) Nature and public spacesBelow ground provision for trees within public realm, such as root protection and growth systems, is often needed to ensure the proper growth and longevity of the tree. The Local Plan for South Gloucestershire is currently formed by the Core Strategy, the Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) Plan and the Joint Waste Core Strategy. The Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on 22 July 2015. There are several areas within the District where there are parking problems where demand exceeds the parking supply with resultant difficulties for travel, including waste collection and emergency services examples include the area around Kingswood High Street; Kings Drive and surrounding cul-de-sacs in Stoke Gifford; Hoopers Walk, Longwell Green; Edgeware Road, Staple Hill; St Barnabus Close, Warmley; Elmleigh Close, Mangotsfield; Lower Station Road, Staple Hill, and Whitsun Leaze within the relatively new development at Charlton Hayes, Patchway. Development delivers design quality, including making a positive contribution to sustainability objectives, climate change resilience, and delivers biodiversity net gain. 29. The contribution to the carbon offsetting fund set out under the fifth part of the sequence in Clause 1e should be used as a last resort where it is not possible to achieve sufficient on-site measures to reduce the carbon emissions by 100%. 30. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire, called the Local Plan 2020. 2.6 A Stroud District Local Plan Transport Group was set up in 2017 to progress partnership working on the Stroud District Local Plan transport matters. The scale and impact of NSIPs may require an appropriate and comprehensive package ofdeveloper contributions to mitigate and compensate for any new and increased levels ofimpact and harm. In December 2019, the average price paid for a residential property in South Gloucestershire was 275,000, which is considerably higher than the regional (South West) and national (England) averages (253,000 and 243,950 respectively). The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. And fulfilling the functions of enforcement authority. Proposals seeking to follow this route will be required to provide evidence from a Passivhaus Certifier that the proposed design would be capable of and is expected to achieve the full certified Passivhaus standard, and incorporate renewable heating and renewable energy generation technology, in order to be net zero carbon. This is particularly true of those policies which set out, or are linked to, the strategy for growth/change of homes, jobs, shops and transport. How to pay any council bill, fine or invoice . Emissions come from the transportation and materials used in the construction process, as well as the emissions from the operation and use of the development throughout its expected lifetime, including the emissions from the travel movements of users. We will need to plan from what we currently know, but also build in sufficient flexibility to enable our approach to adjust as new arrangements start to replace the current approach. The financial contribution required is set at 95 per tonne of carbon dioxide (or index linked equivalent from date of plan adoption) that would be emitted from the development over a period of 30 years. Appropriate monitoring arrangements and adequately resourced Management and Delivery Plans for both the Construction and Operational phases of NSIPs will be required to ensure that socio-economic, transport and environmental objectives are met during both construction and operation. It is also accepted that due to the long timeframes, changing contexts and complexities of some NSIPs, aspects of impact prediction may be uncertain. Planning applications and development South Gloucestershire is a fast growing area, we are committed to creating more and better places to live and work. Developments should be adaptable over time to reduce the need for redevelopment processes; b) Locally-sourced and sustainable materials will be used where appropriate to minimise energy use and embodied carbon emissions; c) Climate adaptation has been maximised, with resilience to projected climate change, through the orientation, aspect, and siting of development to optimise solar gain, while avoiding creating potential for over-heating over the lifetime of the development; and. Draft policy not yet available. If the Council is to effectively respond and successfully engage with developers on behalf of our communities in respect of major infrastructure proposals, this is likely to require significant resources beyond the capacity of the Council. The fund will be spent on low carbon projects within South Gloucestershire, such as renewable energy schemes, retrofitting of existing housing stock. Area Specific: Rural Communities, Villages and Settlements, 70. This should be calculated using the latest Building Regulations Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of dwellings (SAP) methodology, which covers regulated energy use, and also includes guidance on estimating unregulated energy use. It may be necessary for context and character appraisals to look further afield than the immediate locality or most numerous buildings in an area to identify and respond to distinctive building types and other features of quality, such as boundary treatments, plot size and shape, and landscape treatments, to inform new development. In planning this new housing, we must recognise the need to protect our natural habitats and biodiversity. For non- residential development, only one policy option is presented which requires 100% reduction in carbon emissions (net zero carbon) arising from regulated energy use. Mechanisms would also need to be put in place to allow the introduction of additional mitigation or the adjustment of approved measures, so that unanticipated consequences can be addressed. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? The South Gloucestershire Local Plan will help identify the sustainable growth we need over the next 20 years. This approach can have significant visual, community and conservation benefits. This Plan has considered the context of the significant challenges that were evident long before Covid-19; such as the scale of the inequality gap across our communities, the distinct attainment challenge for our children and young people, and the co-ordinated, multi-dimensional approach we need to put into action to deliver on our climate emergency commitments. Accelerating the decarbonisation and decentralisation of the energy system in the UK is essential to mitigating climate change. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The siting, form, scale, height, massing, detailing, colour and materials of the development respect, and are informed by, the positive locally-distinctive qualities of both the site and its surrounding context; and. Visit our Call for Sites consultation page to access the Call for Sites form, find out how this will inform the New Local Plan and to view all Call for Sites received to date on our online map. This stage of the plan does not contain individual sites. The Core Strategy, which contains the strategic policies for the area, was adopted in 2013. For both residential and non-residential development, a sequential approach is set out in Clause 1 of the policy to guide the steps needed to achieve the 100% carbon emissions reduction requirement. In combination with other policies in the Local Plan 2020, the policy below may however inform the Councils review and assessment of the preferred principles for decommissioning that are expected to form part of any DCO application for NNB. This is currently scheduled to take place in late 2023. Any good-quality existing surface materials, boundary treatments and street furniture have, wherever possible, been retained in situ. The location, site planning, layout and design parameters for construction operations and all NNB related buildings, infrastructure, and mitigation measures avoids, minimises, mitigates or compensates for community, economic, and environmental impacts on the local and wider area, both in the short and longer term. Every day our staff and councillors speak with residents, businesses and other partners and these conversations helped shape our initial thinking and priorities. This Council Plan maintains our focus on being an efficient and innovative organisation, working closely with our communities and partners to shape and improve the outcomes and prospects for South Gloucestershire, our residents and businesses. We want to make sure that where our new Local Plan can tackle the issues and address priorities for the area, we have effective policies in order to do so. Coastal change), Flood zone 3 across the Levels EA requirements for levels of protection for NNB Potential for development to increase risk elsewhere Existing flood risk in local settlements, To address flood risk problems at Oldbury on Severn and the Levels Contribute to delivery of the Shoreline Management Plan, Theme: Transport, including for example: construction materials, equipment, abnormal indivisible loads and workers, Unsuitability of much of the local road network for the volumes and scale of NNB vehicles The safety, amenity and access needs of local communities Congestion and capacity issues on the Strategic Road network, including motorway junctions The environmental sensitivity of the locality Emergency access requirements in times of flood, Utilise non-road transport solutions including sea and rail The use of temporary transport infrastructure Capturing worker movements where they will result in least impact on the road network Maximising use of public transport, cycling and walking Separation, control and enforcement of necessary NNB road traffic and parking from the local road network Addressing congestion on the strategic road network increase capacity at local motorway junctions Contribute to delivery of JLTP, through legacy transport links and Park and Ride/ Park and Share facilities, For operational reasons construction workers may need to be accommodated on site Location of NNB site in Flood Zone 3 (see above) Significant proportion of workers may seek functional low-cost accommodation Potential commuting zone up to 90 minutes Pressure on local private rented sector Limited tourist accommodation in South Glos. Ensuring local communities are not unbalanced or overwhelmed, Workforce surveys during construction could enable mitigation adjustments if needed Contributing legacy in terms of:o Serviced sites or housing in line with the Local Plan and Housing Market Assessmento Amenity or recreational facilities for community use, Theme: Environment (archaeology & historic environment, landscape & visual, ecology), Large scale NNB construction in environmentally sensitive Severn Levels and Estuary International, national and local biodiversity and heritage designations and assets A currently tranquil landscape with dark skies Requirement for Habitats Regulations Assessment Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain Historic Levels landscape with high archaeological potential Extensive PRoW network including the Severn Way Even with rigorous approaches to impact avoidance / mitigation, significant residual impacts are likely Advance archaeological, biodiversity and visual assessments to inform site selection and planning, Maximise the use of brown field land at the existing power station to minimise both use of green fields and visual impact Advance landscape and biodiversity works to minimise NNB construction impacts Off-site compensatory habitat creation and planting to contribute to biodiversity networks and mitigate visual impact Phasing to restore land and habitat as soon as it is no longer needed for construction purposes, Although nuclear power generation is low carbon, construction methods vary in sustainability Need to ensure climate change resilience (see also Flooding theme above) Adjacent nuclear decommissioning and NNB sites. d) Any parking provided is well-designed, conveniently sited, safe, overlooked, well-landscaped and sensitively integrated into the public realm or built form, so that it does not dominate the street scene. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. These are published on our website and well provide regular updates to track our progress against those commitments, ensuring that we are transparent and accountable. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. The Policy seeks to ensure that new development (residential and non-residential) is built to high energy efficiency standards, uses renewable heating and cooling systems, and incorporates renewable energy generation. Proposed policy on Radioactive Waste will be relevant in the consideration of decommissioning proposals. If you cannot expand the sections below, try refreshing your browser (Ctrl + F5). Parking standards will form an important part in enabling and controlling car parking, including electric vehicle charging provision and bicycle parking provision, which alongside other policies will support the objectives to enable the new approach. Small modular reactors are understood to occupy approximately 10% of the footprint of a large scale NNB. The Local Plan will guide how and where this will happen. Since the Core Strategy and the Policies, Sites and Places Plans were adopted we have entered into period of significant challenge and change. When applied this will indicate whether a reduction in car parking provision is appropriate. Planning policies also safeguard and seek to enhance our green infrastructure, biodiversity, historic assets and buildings, and unique areas of character across the authority. Given the importance of decommissioning the existing station, and the potential benefits of reusing the brownfield land to reduce the overall impact of NNB, when considering land use proposals at the existing Oldbury power station site, priority will sequentially be given to meeting the needs of: Decommissioning; Nuclear new build proposals; Other employment and/or green energy related uses. In 2019 the average earnings for a full-time worker living in South Gloucestershire was 31,609, higher than the national average (30,661). a) minimise end user energy requirements over and above those required by Building Regulations (at the time of full planning or reserved matters approval) through energy efficiency measures by at least 10%, or, achieve any higher standard that is required under national planning policy; and thenb) reduce carbon dioxide emissions by maximising the use of renewable energy generation sources on site and achieve an overall on-site reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from regulated energy use of at least 50%, unless the development includes flats where a 35% reduction is acceptable (for that part of the site only). Plan:MK now. We see education as the primary driver for tackling inequality and with our partners we will provide an inclusive education offer in which leaders and staff have high aspirations for all children.